This is probably the weakest in the series and truly showed the flaws of how rough GF could get

Also the difficulty is a joke and the story feels half baked

The game is Persona 5 sequel. But with a much more focus and connected story and the gameplay is great.

Enjoyed it really much

Didn't think a wrestling game could run, perform and just overall look worst than even the worst shit during the PS2/Xbox/GC days

Hardcore Unpopular Opinion. I think this is superior over the NES game. IT JUST FEELS, PLAYS AND DOES EVERYTHING FASTER

I think it works for what it wants to do and its really neat. Motion Contorls on Wii aged like garbage tho

One of the strongest original story modes ever in a wrestling game. Check it out

The Legacy of NFL Blitz live on in of the best Sports games ever made

HEY BOON raises up bat where's my port

My first PSP game was one of the best shit on the console. LET'S GO

I still belive this is one of the best in gaming Metroidvania action and story but some design ideas feel archaic and controls feel stiff compared to later Metroid games