This is the best Zelda games of all time, and I will go to war on that opinion. Breath of the Wild was revolutionary. Ocarina of Time is timeless. But Wind Waker truly blew everything out of the water and holds a very special place in my heart.

A solid entry. Not as bad as everyone says.

I liked this game! I thought it was really cute and satisfying. Definitely not the most groundbreaking platformer, but I really enjoyed what I played!

One of my favourite Mario Kart games ever.

My favourite Pokemon spin-off of all time.

What a great start to such an incredible series! I really liked the puzzles in this game. The story was pretty interesting, too. Definitely solidified itself as one of my new favourite series!

This was a great start to such an underrated Pokemon spin-off series! But man, this game was quite challenging. But I have such fond memories of it. In fact, it's been such a long time since I beat this that I want to replay it!

A huge step up from the last one! From what I remember, I liked this one a lot. Now I want to replay this series!

This game means so much to me. I must've had hundreds of hours clocked into this. I still have the strategy guide that details all of the locations with every floor and every Pokemon. I practically studied it day and night. No other game brought me so much comfort as a kid. This will forever be my favourite Pokemon spin-off series.

Pretty much the same as my review of Time. I bought Time first, so I have more of a connection to it, but this one gets bonus points because Chimchar is on the front.

Shelving this one indefinitely since the Switch Remake came out. Will replay it and beat it there!

Wow, what a fun little game. I loved that it didn't overstay its welcome, but I definitely think this can be expanded to a sequel.

Solving this case was so much fun! It reminded me of Professor Layton in terms of word puzzles.

Also, the humour in this game is so funny. I genuinely laughed out loud in several moments. Loved that this was fully voice-acted.

The story is actually quite good. It's hard to create a mystery without things getting too confusing for the player. But because of the simplicity, I found it quite easy to follow. Though some of these puzzles stumped me, but that's just because I'm terrible at puzzle games.

Overall, what a breath of fresh air. This game encapsulates everything I love about indie games. So glad I played this one, I highly recommend it!

From what I could remember, this was such an incredible game. I plan on playing the remastered version soon.

This game means a lot to me. Every year around Halloween time, my dad and I would replay this game from the beginning. He got me to watch The Evil Dead movies after falling in love with the game, and now Evil Dead has become one of my favourite franchises. One day I'll replay this game, probably around Halloween, and remember how fun it is.