A charming little game with a pleasant soundtrack and beautiful pixal art visuals. The story follows an unnamed character as she grows and develops, all told through the various homes she lives in and boxes she unpacks. Anyone familiar with the uncertainty, mystery, and challenge of moving from place to place or from person to person will find something with this game. Highly recommend.

It's like Among Us but everyone is a variety of goose and the job types allow for varying win outcomes. Great for party game nights or for collaboration streaming. It's also free which is a huge win!

Final Fantasy X would mark the franchises first foray onto the PlayStation 2 and the leaps made from the previous entries is immediately present. Breathtaking FMVs that still hold up today serve as one of the main cinematic storytelling elements. The in-game cutscenes are equally as high of quality, though at some times jarring when blended with the FMVs. The story is slow to start, but once it gets going it is hard to put it down. This is a somber story that reflects largely on the meaning of death, free choice versus fulfilling our perceived duty, and the relationships we share with our family, our friends, and ourselves.

This game is weird, just weird. It is designed and made to make players go "ew" but it is honestly not that bad. It is just a weird body horror game that takes some interesting twist. Worth playing once but I can't see much replay value coming out of it. It is a short game clocking in at around 2 1/2 to 3 hours of runtime.

One of my favorite games, probably of all time. Such an easy recommendation for fans of Disney and Square Enix.

Fans of Star Wars and classic Battlefield will have a great time with this title. The conquest centered gameplay makes for easy replayability. There's a reason this classic is coming back very soon with an HD re-release!

Fans of the original titles will likely enjoy these ported over versions of the PlayStation 4. The only thing missing is the multiplayer, though rather understandably.

Take the original Kingdom Hearts, add extra content, port it to the PlayStation 4, and you have yourself the definitive way to play Kingdom Hearts 1.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix on the PlayStation 4, like the first game, is the definitive way to play the game if you ask me.

This game ties with the original as the best in the franchise. The split stories may be repetitive for some, but it is one of the games I think of most when I think of Kingdom Hearts.

A flawed entry in the Kingdom Hearts franchise, but one that I still hold high thanks to the relevance it has on the overall plot of the series.