Fallout 4 is far from the best the series has to offer, but it is far from the worst as well. Visually, Fallout 4 takes the art direction to levels some may find cartoony. I don't mind the style and you can always mod the visuals to fit your preferences, even on console! Biggest flaw is the already antiquated Creation Engine and the addition of the Creation Club mod platform.

Far Cry 3 firmly set the current Far Cry formula when it released in 2012. The series has tried shaking up the formula with recent entries but the foundation laid out by 3 is still visible. Ask any fan which game in the series is their favorite and I am certain a majority will point to this entry.

Upon release the game was littered with controvery due to the marketing and political climate of the time. Since then it has become among the high points in the series since Far Cry 3. The game ditches the exotic islands and warlord led nations in favor of a satirical version of Montana. My biggest gripe with the game is the divisive ending(s) and how they directly influenced Far Cry New Dawn.

Fun for a while but plagued with a frustrating playerbase. This is one of those games that started Ubisoft on their quest to make some of the most lackluster games as a service possible. The single player is forgettable, the user interface is standard Ubisoft affair, and the long term health of the servers is grim at best. I don't think it will be long before this game gets The Crew treatment.

Fans of the Forza Horizon series should definitely give the first entry a try. It is more linear than the sequels, but it oozes with charm and personality. The servers have since been shut down but the bulk of the game features are still available. Players seeking 100% achievement completion may want to avoid the title though.

Forza Horizon 2 set the stage for the series going forward. Open world map design, massive car rosters, wide variety of race types and more. Horizon 2 has maybe my favorite location in the series so far with a mix of the French and Italian countryside. Like the first game in the series, the servers have since shut down but most of the game is still fully playable and enjoyable offline.

This is an early example of DLC turned standalone game. This limited time offer tie-in with the Fast & Furious films provides a short Forza experience featuring cars from the films. It was an easy 100% completion but the short run-time and limited availability makes this a much harder entry to recommend.

Forza Horizon 3 is a bit of a weaker entry for me personally. The Australian Outback and coast aren't my favorite choices of location and the map is either too open or too cramped. The game was also the first in the series to feature HDR, though it was rather poorly implemented on the Xbox version of the game.

The fourth entry in the long running Forza Horizon series is one of the most visually appealing of the series while also offering one of the better gameplay loops. Seasons rotate weekly between Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter though not all seasons are created equal. Flaws of the game include weak car engine sounds and a rather rampant premium model that teeters on the edge of being egregious.

At the time of reviewing this is the latest entry in the Horizon series of Forza games. Mexico is visually stunning and a great showcase of the Xbox Series platforms optimization balancing. The main issues I had with Forza Horizon 4 carried over with this entry, with some new ones to boot. The formula of the Horizon games begins to feel more and more stale with each new entry and my hope is the next in the franchise shakes things up for the better.

One of the definitive Star Wars video games. Battlefront II brough several quality of life imrovements as a sequel. The 501st Journal single player experience is also very well put together and holds up well. Like I mentioned in my Battlefront 1 review, there is a reason these classics are coming back.

Now defunct, it was a pretty fun time waster when it was around though.

Ninja cats, what more can be said?

While it is nowhere near as impressionable as Shrek 2, Shrek SuperSlam is a fun party style beat 'em up featuring a fun cast of Shrek characters and a decent voice cast as well. Nolan North as Quasimodo and James Arnold Taylor as Prince Charming and Humpty Dumpty? Sign me up.

Seriously one of the most fun games to come out of 2024 so far. Players don't have to play the first game to jump in and spread that sweet, sweet Democracy with friends or solo. The lack of FOMO with the unlock systems is a huge, gigantic plus as well and more publishers should take note of this!