I enjoyed this less than DOOM 2016 and the story felt a little flat for me personally. But its DOOM so the gunplay and action packed pace makes up for its shortcomings.

One of the best metroidvania games I have ever played! Looking forward to sinking time into the sequel.

Cyberpunk detective story mixed in with sprinkles of horror and amazing sound design! Go into this game as blind as possible and enjoy :)

If Far Cry and Assassins Creed and Left 4 Dead formed into one project this would be it!

If you want an good looking sandbox zombie killing game then buy Dead Rising 4!

Danganronpa... but it's a third person shooter mixed with absolute insanity as the story unfolds.

A worthy sequel to the first game with improved gameplay elements!

Really enjoyable campaign in a World War II setting with some well designed missions.

My first experience jumping into the Monster Hunter series and it was a great time with friends hunting down all types of monsters big and small in all types of quests and challenges.

428 hours clocked in by the time i finally uninstalled the game but so many memories and friendships along the way!

A man who never played Sleeping Dogs is never a whole man.

Interesting setting and concept but insanely short!