Very relaxing and chill game to play with friends! Fun variety in levels and plenty of challenges and bonus content.

While the story is nothing ground breaking the setting and enemy designs mixed with some pretty satisfying combat make this a good time! I do also wish the game was fully committed to more of a horror game than a action/horror experience.

Game of the Year 2023 for me! Such a incredible experience!

Ninja-Robot-Man argues philosophy with terrorists!

A total gem of a game with a wonderful art style and catchy music. Gameplay is fun but also challenging. Great variety in bosses each with so much personality on display!


It's one of those games where you could only experience it fully the first time you play it.

Fun platformer that has a good amount of suspense!

So much charm and style is on display from the opening few minutes! Absolute joy to play and the game runs like a dream with impressive colourful visuals!

Underwhelming story and really half baked gameplay although so much potential could of come out of this game its a shame..

Can easily recommend for anyone who enjoys Resident Evil. Nice and well designed open levels with plenty of horror themed elements including some top tier creature and bosses throughout.

One of the best RPGMaker games ever made.

Once you beat it make sure you go back and truly beat it.

One of the best in the series and the Junction system is such a great gameplay element that creates multiple ways to play.

Really hope we get a full remake one day!

While it lacks some of what makes the first game is still a phenomenal sequel with many improvements over the first game in the series. Just wish the game was longer.

Wonderful chaos with a fun cast of characters!

Watch Dogs 2 feels like an improvement over the previous game in the series in every way possible.