multiplayer was great, zombies was aight, didnt play campaign

ass on xbox, half the damn games aren’t even playable

Fun as a kid but the more a grew up the more boring it got. found that after beating the ender dragon it got really boring.

Fun game though the last couple years of this game was way too dry and it evolved into a really bad game

Underrated game overall. Zombies was amazing. multiplayer was fun. campaign dont bother with it

Insanely hard but a good time. Incredibly satisfying after beating a hard opponent. I really enjoyed this game but I do think this game requires A LOT of outside help to get through and this game sometimes is just WAY too hard. still a very enjoyable experience.

Really enjoyed the game and the post game is probably one of the best or the best post game there is in any pokemon game. fact that you can go to kanto and battle a whole other set of gym leaders is really cool. the legendaries that you can catch are dope as well. But my favorite thing about this game is the fact that you battle Red (Protagonist of Red and Blue). Genuinely a hard battle, epic music and just cool cus in a way its like you’re battling yourself from another game. the itself its great but the post game is just awesome.

Really hate this game. Animations somehow got worse, battle camera doesnt show my pokemon half the time, the glitches ive encountered are silly but get annoying sometimes. I also don’t understand the point of it being open world because theres no level scaling, literally just makes the game run worse. the mon designs are fine, the legendaries don’t feel like legendaries anymore, the futuristic paradox forms (forgot what they’re called) are kinda lame they’re literally just the same design but they’re made of metal this time. ancient forms are all cool looking but honestly its the only thing i like about this game. I don’t think the graphics should determine whether a game is good or not, but this game is FULL PRICE and its a buggy mess and is just looks for barron. its a visual disaster and its not worth $60. by far the worst pokemon game ive ever played.

I think people give this game a little too much flak but it isnt really good either. most of the mon designs were just bad with a few exceptions, wasn’t really about the music either though thats a personal opinion. did like the setting though and the character designs were pretty neat

a little underrated but it isnt amazing. had fun with it, liked what they did with the island kahunas and the pokemon designs were wither really cool or okay to bad. did like the setting though.

Haven’t played Ruby or Sapphire so I can’t really say whether its a good remake or not but its a very enjoyable time. loved it as a kid and post game is great.

Loved it as a kid and I still enjoy it going back to it, but this game had so much potential with a Pokemon Z or just having a more enjoyable post game and making the game harder. (This game is WAY too easy)

I didn’t even grow up with this game, First played through the entire series like 2-3 years ago and I loved it. KH2 specifically was just so much fun to me and I loved pretty much everything about it.