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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 21, 2022

First played

May 14, 2022

Platforms Played


Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

The weakest of the four Sly games, in my opinion. Bar-none. Every new addition feels superficially cool but airless to execute - I'm sorry but I found all of the pirate stuff (ship battles, treasure maps, the missions in the level itself) to be grueling. The removal of the clue bottle collectibles - one of my favorite elements from the others - also hasn't gone unnoticed here, nor has the regressed mission structure. Plus the levels, apart from Venice and the airstrip place, just aren't as good. Feels like a rushed, less charming reskin of 2 at best and a serious bore at worst. Plus there's those truly abysmal boss fights. Tiring to even write about, what is there left to say?