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2 days

Last played

June 19, 2023

First played

June 16, 2023

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Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

I'm not at all opposed to more games being unabashed Human: Fall Flat clones - even if they don't do it quite as well. As a kid I was obsessed with ragdoll physics games, so I just know I would have sunk so many hours into this had it come out back then. Knowing that alone makes me happy, but this gets plenty of points in its own right for how hilarious and quick-paced its gameplay is. Every game should have its own dedicated fart button! Though like all these types of games, my one major complaint is that it feels far too short for how surprisingly large its map is and for how many missions/side content it offers therein. Still think this is super underrated, though some of the power-ups totally trivialize all the deliveries and exploration the game was clearly built around.