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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 12, 2022

First played

July 2, 2022

Platforms Played


I have no problem being the guy who feels like this is a major downgrade from the first Watch_Dogs - in an effort to recover from that one's backlash they totally stripped this down and sterilized the unique elements that did work to appeal to the status quo, and so we're left with "Baby's First GTA" with cringe dialogue and hateable characters where you mindlessly hop between filler missions for a story that somehow checks out even sooner than the first game's. Great job guys, you really showed Ubisoft for doing what hundreds of games already did around this time (which is admittedly still dubious, but I have no clue what makes this game different considering it just feels like a lesser asset flip of its predecessor). Where are the city minigames? Where are the digital trips? Where are the AR games? Where are the actual fun supplemental materials the first one was so keen on providing? Now instead of a richly-textured Chicago we have yet another bland coastal San-Fran with nothing to do within it. It's all so superficial, combat seems more complex on the surface but feels more unexciting to actually perform - the shock of the new the first one had is completely absent here. There are lots of neat surface tics to distract you from the fact that this is less of a game, plain and simple. It isn't necessarily bad, it's just the baseline 'fine' version of itself which of course people ate up because it looked nice or something. If there's anything done better here it was removing that dumb moral system the first game had for no real reason.