could actual gameplay have saved her? possibly

i love the graphic direction but it lacks so much of the substance of ts3 and ts2

i feel like a lot of this game was somewhat forgettable but i did enjoy hearing about laytons homoerotic fling in college. the transition from 2d to 3d honestly works best for layton of all the game ive played that have gone this route

i respect the OG but theres so much QoL in the later titles i miss coming back to it. GODLY ost

this is a game with gameplay

feels hard to rate this one because it is really different from the rest. its good though

its good but i dont feel like it really wowed me after the first chapter

it is okay but a bit overwhelming with choices and sometimes the super serious plot just feels like a lot to get through

this is truly the middle ground of ace attorney. its not really bad but its not really good. introduces a lot of fun characters though

i miss you. i miss you so fucking much

the thinking man's genshin impact