298 Reviews liked by CloacaMaxima

Don't like it as much as Nep:U but still fun
(I Have finished it on Vita as well)

In a world where infinite free time exists, I might enjoy this game. As it stands, I don't enjoy the constant running around, spending insane amounts of time in menus/loading screens, more running around, tedious RNG-based quests, and, oh yeah, more running... This is all for insanely quick engagements (that is, if you don't get domed from 1km away) that are often just gear checks. So yeah, I fundamentally hate the basic gameplay loop, but the problem is further exasperated by the fact that time invested is heavily rewarded, which skews balance towards non-stop grinders; casual players are heavily outgeared by the "chads" (the unemployed) with 400+ hours (just this wipe). No thanks man, I've got work on Monday.

Most abusive relationship i've had in my life and its with a video game

30% funny 70% degenerate horrors

This game is not great but turning around and driving in the opposite direction, ploughing into rival drivers in head-on collisions at speeds approaching 180 mph, blowing out all four of my tires and sustaining major damage to the body of my car, only to hear the announcers say "Nothin' a little duct tape can't fix!" is an all time gamer moment.

I used to play this with my dad and just drive the wrong way on the track and crash head-on into oncoming cars. He would get annoyed at this but it was a lot of fun for me as a kid.

It's actually crazy to me how Bohemia managed to make the best open world jungle map in gaming ever in an engine jankier than Xray while modern engines are still shitting the bed when it comes to rendering forested areas that are 10 times more simpler than Tanoa.

I'm not an FPS guy. It's not a genre I really enjoy spending my time in. However, The Finals has managed to become the one FPS I truly love. Destructible environments are always fun. The modes seem really unique. The gadgets and specializations are really fun. It's just an overall really fun game that I enjoy playing alone or with my friends.

𝓡𝓪𝔂𝓷 𝓖𝓸𝓼𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰


I mean... what was I expecting?