CryEngine tech demo with $40,000 microtransactions.

The "Gameplay," represented in the phone mechanics (fancy choice selector), is fairly good for a visual novel, but I'd say the gameplay mechanics you find in Sunrider, Danganronpa, or Opus: Echo of Starsong are far more substantial.

I first played the VN to see the other routes that the anime didn't show, so I could enjoy more of a series I loved. But, as time has wore on, I've realized just how insufferable Okabe can be, how tropey the game is, and how silly the premise can seem.

The OST is just absolute bliss, though. It drove me to try to play the piano for the first time, so I could recreate my favorite pieces from the game (admittedly with little result). But, I still listen to them to this day, and it brings me fond memories of my enjoyment of this game.

Overall: 7.5/10 (8) game, 9/10 visual novel.

Gameplay: 5/10
Story/Narrative: 8/10
Graphics/Visuals: 7/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 10/10

This is what it means to make a DLC/expansion: it's meaningfully different and substantial.

The girls are not very representative of the actual historic ships in their personalities, looks, and riggings, unlike KanColle - more waifubait, less sticking to history. But, at least it has actually decent gameplay (even if I don't care for bullethell), a dorm system, and gacha pulls (not just drops). It was also extremely generous with the 5 star drops last I played, which is nice. It being released for an international audience (unlike KanColle) is also a huge plus.

Overall: 5/10

Gameplay: 5/10
Story/Narrative: 3/10
Graphics/Visuals: 7/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 5/10

7th grade gaming hours, on the bus, before/after school.

I cried, man. Hard. I also spent way too much time just sitting on the main menu listening to the menu music.

Overall: 8/10 game, 9/10 visual novel.

Gameplay: 6/10
Story/Narrative: 7/10
Graphics/Visuals: 9/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 10/10

Make baby, speed run what life could be, repeat with your child, realize your actual life is fine as is.

Hotswapping-Was-The-Best. The voice lines were also so darn memorable. Was destined to remember them anyhow, because of all the times you have to replay a mission to get those STARS.

We've got a unit under heavy fire and trapped in the refinery!

Imagine the second game doesn't exist, and stop once you finish this game.

Overall: 7.8/10 (8)

Gameplay: 8/10
Story/Narrative: 8/10
Graphics/Visuals: 7/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 8/10

Combat was pretty much the only good thing about this. Wasn't terrible, tho.

I didn't find the gameplay to be all that fun. The animation quality (shooting, reloading, idle) is about its only redeeming and differentiating feature. It's like Azur Lane, but without all the items that make it a more enjoyable game to play.

As if any of that matters, because it's all about the jiggle physics and hyper-sexualization, anyhow. Whatever gets people to open their wallets. 🤷

Overall: 5.8/10 (6)

Gameplay: 6/10
Story/Narrative: 5/10
Graphics/Visuals: 7/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 5/10

Whales doing whale things.

My Angola tribe didn't stand a chance against those bros with the premium tanks up in Konungariket Sverige.

Talk about building upon success. A truly worthy successor to the previous games in the series.

Overall: 7/10

Gameplay: 7/10
Story/Narrative: 6/10
Graphics/Visuals: 10/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 5/10

Just about as basic and average of a puzzle game as you can get.