Wow, SIF 2 what?

Overall: 4/10 (4)

Gameplay: 2/10
Story/Narrative: 5/10
Graphics/Visuals: 3/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 6/10

All around rubbish sandbox building game. Only real distinguishing factor was the ability to seamlessly transition for ocean to flying into space.

About as mid as it gets. Just PC with a few Paganis. Why, tho?

A peaceful experience, but a pretty run-of-the-mill puzzle game.

If Alliance of Valiant Arms and CS had a deformed offspring. Was honestly pretty fun fighting hordes for a few times.

I love Prey, and Prey leant itself perfectly for a Prop Hunt game expansion. But, this game mode lasted like a week before it died off. Shame, shame.

I knew I had played a GTA game on the Advance. Thought it was GTA 1 or 2. I thought wrong for all these years.

Honest, I don't remember much of anything about this game. I played it like once on a friend's Gameboy.

My first (and last) foray into FMV games. Gotta say, not my thing. The production value was good enough, but I found the experience off-putting. It's an interesting take on the classic detective story, and the mechanic of playing from different POVs and timelines was enticing.

Played it once or twice with a friend. Wasn't inherently bad, but I couldn't be bothered to go into VR to play around car's inner workings more than a few times.

Once you've seen the pistons move as you turn the crankshaft, you've seen most of it.