one of the worst games i've ever played

the only other telltale game i've played to completion besides tales from the borderlands. it's...fine. it was good enough to hold my attention. it's an interesting take on batman lore, but i feel like if i wanted a batman experience i'd still just stick with arkham. i dunno. still carries all the faults that every telltale game has.

the payday gang decided to come back the next day

it's good! it doesn't quite reach the heights of the golden era of 4 5 and zero but it comes very close. daredevil is one of the greatest musical arrangements in video game history

this game gives you brainrot. highly recommend.

story kinda sucks. online was neat for a little while but i cannot imagine ever playing it again. the fact it keeps getting rereleased boggles my mind. it's like this generation's resident evil 4 but nowhere near as good.

i bought this game 2 weeks ago and i've already put close to 100 hours into it and i don't even watch football

it makes me sad how much of a blatant cashgrab it all was. depressing.

this is it. this is the perfect musou game.

this is such an obsidian game. it's the perfect encapsulation of what i expect when i play a game made by them.

i wish it was possible to play this game without your computer having a fit

this game taught my sister the n word and that's not a joke.

when my family first got a wii, my brother stood behind me while i was playing bowling and got smacked in the face with the wiimote. that was funny.

this game was designed only for me