this game is really really really cool, super dark and can feel edgy at times, but really cool anyways!
getting every ending was super tough, SPECIALLY the S endings (Ragn's mainly), but it also felt really good to learn and overcome every encounter and obstacle! (>▿<✿)

lots of disturbing things, but under all of it, there's a really good game, with a lot of potential!
Grimm is cool, and the Dark Souls vibe is there, plus having such a cool party system makes all the fights way more fun!!

10 YEARS, I WAS A LITTLE GIRL WHEN DMC4 CAME OUT, AND WHEN THIS ONE WAS ANNOUNCED I LITERALLY STARTED CRYING!!!!! its probably the best action game ever made, not even a contest (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞

this is my guilty pleasure, but im not ashamed of it, i think its really cool and funny!

i love this game with all my heart! the amount of times i cried while playing it should be illegal, i love it so much!! (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)

this was the start of me and my friends playing fighting games, and now almost 6 years later, we're still playing fighting games together! (◠‿◠✿)

this is probably the MonHun game i've played the most, it's an incredible game that made me grow closer to my friends, and it holds a very special place in my heart! (◠‿◠✿)

the amount of good memories i have with this game makes all the bad things i find in it mean nothing, i thinks it a great game to play with friends!

why does the remaster look worse than Prepare to Die???

this is the Dark Souls game i come back more often, its not my favourite or anything like that, but its just a genuinely good game!

i love this game so much, its so cool sdhjk!

cool game i guess, im still pissed at those last levels and bosses in Wily's castle, it just sucked so much it almost made me cry (≖︿≖✿)
the music was good doe, even better than the first game! so ill let it slide this time

was tough on some spots, but really fun and challenging!
the music was incredible too!