53 Reviews liked by Coccaa

i get why people like this game but i kinda can't stand playing it

i cant tell if im expecting too much or these "cozy" games really are just toothless pointless trash. if you want to write a story dealing with real themes, either do it or don't take the stupid fucking fantasy cop-out. what is the point of making a fantasy worldbuilding only to have the exact same tropes like friendly neighborhood cop, the apparently extremely necessary part of any coffee shop? i suppose i should have seen the cringe coming from the opening screen about "elves opening startups". and wow the black people are orcs with signs "i still have a brain"... i cannot believe my fucking eyes.

the music is nice and the idea of a coffee shop simulator is lovely in theory but this execution is so grotesque i have nothing more to say

A funny story about fucked up people.

Gets a lot of unwarranted hate. My only complaint is that it's much more linear than it seems and there's not a lot of decision making.

this is my guilty pleasure, but im not ashamed of it, i think its really cool and funny!

This is the exact kind of shit that I love. I love insane anime adventure games with weird plot twists, puzzles, and characters who talk like living wikipedia articles. This game also uses the form factor of the Nintendo DS in a pretty creative way.

This is what I wait for with anime games, with so many spectacle fighters either going down the free-to-play or cheap arena fighter route. It's only once every year or two that we get something like this. I didn't set my expectations too high cause this project had every opportunity to come out half baked, but I was absolutely blown away. There were several times while playing this when my jaw dropped with just how epic and over the top these boss fights are. They did not need to go this hard but I'm so glad they did. I hope we get more anime games like this in the future.



A very neat indie game, it nails the feeling of controlling a cat through its interactions with the world or its mannerisms, and it oozes a lot of personality despite the game's protagonist never saying a word. I really liked the atmosphere and the art direction of the game as well, both of them really strong, mixing cyberpunk with post apocalyptic elements. A lot of themes in the story fit with those elements, and while the story isn't anything grandiose, it definitely had its moments. It's a quite short game, which might be a bit disappointing, but its pacing never really tires, every level and section feels novel and there's always something interesting that grabs you, in both the linear or the open parts of the game. Some parts of the game were big "wow" moments for me. Also, difficulty wise, it probably leans to the easier side, it's a pretty chill game in general, and that's more due to the hand holding, but I'd say that it's more like the world itself guides you, rather than the game explicitly, which is a really cool touch.

Overall, it's just a very nice little game that is definitely worth your time, I very much enjoyed it.

btw the allegations of "stolen assets" we're fake as admitted by the guy who spread it, meaning that all those talks about this ruining the industry or being a creatively bankrupt game are total bullshit.

Pretty fun, but definitely very jank. For my money, H3VR was the better choice.

Cool concept, but the hand tracking is hit or miss on the Quest 2. Feels like it has gotten less consistent since the last time I played. Feels like a tech demo sandbox more than a game.

This game just incorporates 2010 - 2014 Youtube. Stick fight videos are some of the best content out there.

Didn't play much. ORAORAORAORA

Very good fighting system with too much anime for me and very bad music

It's good! I wish the color scheme wasn't so muted compared to Xrd, and I don't like how sluggish movement feels, but it's fun. I liked the story movie quite a bit.

also give chipp his teleports back cmon he needs it