This games biggest weakness is that it's a remake. The original is one of my favourite games of all time and if I wasn't comparing it to it every 5 seconds whilst playing then it would be a much better game because the OG out does it in almost every single way. To me the things that the remake does better is the gameplay, Luis, Ashley, Krauser and the crafting system, but when it comes to characters like Leon, Ada, Salazar, Saddler etc it frustrates me just how much I think they missed the mark. The reason why Saddler is so much of a menace in the original is because he constantly digs at you and gets under your skin when he speaks to you over the coms, when you take that out and limit his screen time he just becomes a generic big bad, something the RE remakes have had a big issue with and the exact same goes with Salazar. I know Ada's voice actor got a lot of flack but I find more of the issue to be the writing of her, though I do agree with her performance not exactly backing it up.

It's a really good and enjoyable game that does horror brilliantly, more so than the OG but it takes out what makes the original the original. Despite that there's no doubting that the RE4 remake is a technical masterpiece, so much so that if the original didn't exist, this game could be one of the best ever. However, in my controversial opinion, it's not even a better remake than RE2. Also Capcom, please don't remake 5, thank you.

Think it's got some of the best horror Supermassive have ever produced but the story leaves a bit to be desired. You know it's poor when I literally have to use google to figure out the constant holes in it's narrative, but once you piece it all together it's actually quite clever if not a bit convoluted. Nevertheless it's enjoyable but lacking that bit of extra quality to make it a serious contender.

Never played the original back in the day due to being an xbox boy but thankfully got round to it now due to my GF being a fucking legend and digging out her old PlayStation. We played through this and.... I get it. It's an absolutely outstanding game with an unreal soundtrack. The intro is perhaps the best in gaming history and the story that follows is nothing short of breathtaking, even with a couple of shortcomings. Despite the fact that I don't think it's quite the masterpiece everyone thinks it is, it's impact cannot be understated. Onto the show :)

Bar the lack of actual jobs this game is so much fun

Bit short but thoroughly enjoyed it. The whole concept is very unique and despite the game's reliance on jumpscares it's still good. It knows what it is and uses that to it's advantage. It has moments whether I'm questioning whether I actually saw something or not and I love that type of horror when it's done right. I'm also pretty sure most of the scares are randomly generated and that works well. My only issue is the length and the fact that some of the demon models look straight out of Roblox but excusing that it's a pretty solid horror game.

Not a game I took much enjoyment playing through in all honesty. As a pretty big Borderlands fan I was expecting much more than what I got but it's still a somewhat decent game, though it's nowhere near the quality of pretty much every other game in the series.

Actually a fun game lol. Graphics are quite good all things considered and the quests aren't too demanding but offer something to do. The map is really good for such a small game and it really didn't have to be much else gameplay wise. The citizen dialogue is quite funny and the theme of parody is very present in this game but isn't a bad thing. This game is one big piss take after all and if nothing else, Goat Simulator 3 does this very well.

Supermassive have been trying to live up to Until Dawn since 2015, and whilst I don't think the Quarry quite does it comes pretty damn close. This game gets a lot of flack, some of it deserved but most of it not, in my opinion. I really enjoyed this game and got pretty attached to some characters especially Laura, Travis, Dylan, Jacob and Ryan. But as much as liked these characters I felt like the writing left a lot be desired in some cases, however to be fair in some cases it's so goofy it's good. It's not the scariest game ever, it can startle you from time to time but it's quite rare. Most of the game's horror comes from a monster ripping one of your body parts off but never really backs that up with anything like Until Dawn did with it's atmosphere.

My biggest issue with this game is it's endings. Whilst I really appreciate the fact that there's so many, because I love multi choice ending games, most of them were rushed and you don't get a cutscene or anything it literally just shows you how everyone ended up and then plays a podcast to tell you the rest which is so very tedious. Also characters like Max and Nick deserved better with such little play opportunities. I'm glad they gave Jacob a bit of depth in the ending I got but there just should've been so much more. Overall it's a solid game and I really enjoyed my time with it but it just left me wanting more, especially since I felt like it came so very close to overtaking Until Dawn but completely bottled it with it's endings. However choosing Daydream Believer as the ending song was such an S tier move. I know there's like 200 different endings or whatever but I just wish there were like 10 cohesive ones.

Don't mind it. Terrible respawns, quite repetitive but decent stealth elements though dialogue and story doesn't exactly have me on the edge of my seat. Then again I've never been big into Tom Clancy games. Not gonna lie however, there is fun to be had. Found myself laughing at stupid stuff more than often.

A very strange game. Just a bit of a mad shooter than relies on total craziness. Not the worst game I've ever played but it's a bit of a mess. Also how you can miss out so many characters when making a Resident Evil smash bros game is beyond me. I get they're adding them more down the line but I feel like that's an error. It's invertedly a Dead By Daylight competitor when I don't think that's Capcom were aiming for. Though it's somehow not as good.

Me and my brother, who are both huge SpongeBob fans gave this a play and it's actually so much better than I thought it would be. Nowhere near the best SB game I've played but it was still fun nonetheless, even if the story is kind of lackluster.

Chaotic and fun. Can't ask for much else. The controls are quite miserable but I had fun with it. Much better with friends, wouldn't recommend as I only had fun when playing with a friend, though at times can be very frustrating.

I mean it's probably the scariest FNAF game. It's quite terrifying since you're living it and then they pop out in front of you, especially when you realise how big they are.

Actually a super fun game. Recently got a Quest 2 and I'm so glad I did, just for games like this that keep me entertained for hours on end.