Overall, this game is very short and simple, but also very calming. The artstyle is beautiful and was a joy to look at while going through the game. Moomin as a franchise is one I've primarily experienced second hand throughout my life with my siblings being the ones who grew up with the show and not me so I wasn't familiar with everything, but I still had a good time. I did encounter some bugs, but they didn't prevent me from going through the game. I loved it.

Sidenote, seeing all those Scandinavian names in the credits warmed my heart as someone from there.

Boing.....Boing......Boing.....Game Over.

Actually finished this game back in October which I hadn't back when I first logged it. Although this is the 3rd in the Luigi's Mansion series, it was a great introduction. I look forward to try the other games in the series eventually.

This is how I realized fighting games are not for me. The game was pretty alright though to be fair.

The soundtrack was cool

Got to play a little bit of this a few months back and I have two opinions.

Wes is badass and his Espeon and Umbreon should've stayed in the bike's sidecar.

Not a MOBA fan at all, but I have fond memories of this game. Haven't touched it in a long time for good reason though.

Played as Cinderace mostly.

2 stars is being generous, but I really only need the 1 box since I barely store in Home, I always just transfer. The fact that there's a paywall is still bad though.

Rip Vaporwave the Espeon

Will forever be missed

So originally here I wrote "Truly an experience." And that is a severe understatement considering this game was my favourite of 2022. Absolutely loved it.

I still need to finish Future Redeemed though.

I could say so much about what I thought about this game because I really loved it, but I think most of that has been said

Defeated Ganondorf with a fishing rod and saved Hyrule. I have brought a new age for fishing to these lands.

Also, Snowpeak was quite literally PEAK.

It is through this game I discovered that a slime has the utterly increasing potential to become a great capitalist and contributor to the stock market.

This game, although far from the most revolutionary, shocked people in both good ways and bad ways. Despite the occasional lag and framerate drops that occurred when the game released, the game still has one of the best storylines I've seen in a Pokémon game in a while.

It also gave us the apex of creativity and imagination, #973 Flamigo and I'll forever be thankful for that.