6 reviews liked by ControlledChaos

- decently engaging plot
- I always love when a more narrative type game like this has voice acting because it feels cinematic. I bought this game because I love Rear Window so much.

- terrible gameplay at times e.g. you just point another character where to "hide" in the open plaza or you just wait for time to pass. it felt like a chore to play sometimes
- this is maybe the same point as above, but this had lazy storytelling in my opinion. I understand the whole point is your limited pov, but it felt like the creators approached this simply as an obstacle instead of having fun with the concept. like the game is never as thrilling as it thinks it is. maybe my issue is it feeds info to the player too easily??
- the plaza you're overlooking often feels lifeless. the thrill of a film like Rear Window was how alive the community felt and the voyeurism in that. here, the plaza always had the same like 4 characters just standing there. there wasn't traffic. most windows went unused.

not sure i'm articulating myself well but tl;dr the premise and voice acting are kind of cool but I wish more was done with the limited pov because it's such a cool idea

i love danganronpa it fucking sucks

they will never make me hate you sonic 06

If I could give 6 stars instead of 5 I would be a happy boi

It's kinda disappointing that they couldn't move past the 'fantasy creatures=real world issues' trope, and there's some tackled on drama and sometimes weird sex talks that's a detriment for the experience, but it delivers that cozy feeling all the same.

Okay, so hear me out - but this is a genuine masterpiece.

It's pretentious. It's annoying. I hate Bennett Foddy as a person. But you know what? This game gave me a ridiculous amount of peresverence and a new level of mental strength and awareness I didn't have before, and I'm not kidding.

Prior to Getting Over It, I was somebody who would rage at games regularly. They'd piss me off, I'd get mad, it would ruin my day.

This happened a few times with Getting Over It. Eventually, though, I realized something - getting mad, getting frustrated, blowing up, that doesn't help you any. The frustration's just a part of the experience. Getting Over It isn't a game about climbing a hill. It's about not letting yourself get beaten by a game. Getting frustrated is only giving the game the advantage, when the only way to make progress is to be steadfast and keep trying, figure out what works and what doesn't and use that knowledge to move on.

I mean this, genuinely, Getting Over It helped me mature as a person. I never even beat it. I hit a point where I was happy with my progress and said, "You know what? I got what I needed from this," and left. Climbing to the top of that hill would be satisfying, but it's more satisfying to play a game, hit a snag that I don't particularly like, then take a deep breath and adjust my mindset for a second - resulting in more enjoyment overall. So what if it's not perfect? It is what it is; enjoy it for that.