It’s sucks, bad animations, mid-tier pokémon at the best, runs horrible and has a dumb and generic gimmick that could have been so much more

This game sucks, the Dex issue, the new pokémon, more bad performance issues, the Wild Area is barely open and pretty much this entire game is garbage and the only reason i’m giving it a 2/10 is the DLC is pretty good

I hate this game, they killed off my favorite character in the second chapter

I don’t know what to think of this game


Pretty cool, no GW2 but it’s still cool, it has all the good things but just not enough of them to get a perfect score

This game is right down the middle, it has an amazing story but miserable online, it has new cool characters, but no variants, it introduces new ideas but doesn't do anything with them. It’s new for the sake of being new

Classic mobile fun (Personal best game of 2009)

A fantastic and fun game, played with the family and enjoyed it but then. Bowsers Fury happened and it was amazing, pretty epic.

The Nintendo Game, better graphics, better story, more unique gameplay and tons of other new things (Easily the best game of 2023 and this year ain’t even over)

Cool aside from the fact that everyone in the mobile industry is copying it and i’m TIRED

A even worse vampire survivors clone

A great game, so much fun with amazing gameplay and so much replay ability , easily one of the top games of the year. I desperately hope for some DLC or a sequel