I’m not giving this game a five out of five because it’s the best game of that year or because I loved it, it’s because of the memories and fun I had with it and my family, looking back on it, probably a 3/5 but that’s not the point of this


Hades is a fantastic game with fun characters and progressively better combat, pretty darn great

This game was pretty cool, nice cute and you can be stairs

I know people hate this game but it’s so much fun, the characters, the collectibles, the F***ing crazy story (My personal 2008 game of the year)

Pure. Mastery. Gaming (Best game of 2022)

400 Hours, huh? Covid stinks (2/2 of my 2020 Game of the Year

A great shooter, pretty much everything good about Doom 2016 and more, many great parts to it like the shooting and yeah that’s about it (1/2 of my Game of the Year 2020)

This is easily the best Kart-Racer ever, shocking it tops Mario Kart but that’s because of the story mode, customization, awesome tracks and overall fantastic experience


Really cool shooter, it’s always like BAM, WAM PACHOW and that’s really cool, overall cool game

A great story, it’s funny (despite its stolen jokes) and has so many awesome routes and surprises and of course the Skeleton (My personal 2015 Game of the Year)

I started by loving this game, playing through a great story and enjoying the open world, then I went online and it made it so much better, easily one of the best Rockstar games ever (My personal 2013 game of the year)

It’s good, very cool story with a great cast of characters but as a TellTale game, there’s not really gameplay, still very good (My personal 2012 game of the year)

This game is awesome, fun puzzles and hilarious jokes, REALLY funny game. A unique mechanic that expands on the original and great for speedrunning (My personal 2011 Game of the Year)

A amazing experience with some awesome gameplay and story, cool characters, cool world and overall a great game (My personal 2010 Game of the Year)

Very fun game to play with a friend, probably the best co-op game ever (My personal 2021 Game of the Year)