My grandparents got me this and F.E.A.R for Christmas in 2006.

What a time to be eleven.

"When you have to wait at least a year before Spider-Man 2 releases on PC"

Oh you can't do this to me. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE SACRIFICED?

You know it's the mid-2000s when the Red Wings are one of the best teams in the game.

These mad lads really released a demo for this game's multiplayer less than a week after Call of Duty 4.

Bold move Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.

"Hey I have an idea. We should reboot Tomb Raider but make it like Uncharted, take out the dual pistols, and make tombs one room puzzles."

Good idea boss. What should we call it?


The definition of "we have Diablo at home".

Shooting Nazis in the balls is only fun for so long.

MLMs and Ponzi schemes have more effort put into them than this game.

They took every overused gaming cliché of the 2010s (crafting, tacked on multiplayer, bad DLC) and put it into the quintessential superhero franchise.

Bravo WB Montreal.

The definition of "I only played this because it was on Game Pass".

I'd rather fight to the death in Thunderdome than play this game's side missions again.

I always wanted to play this game when I was a kid.

It did not age well.

If you think games today are a rip-off, I beat this one sitting when I was 13.