a bit biased i'll admit, HOWEVER this game excels for me at everything i could ask for. from story, Lore, writing, SOUNDTRACK, etc.

Almost always i TRULY want something to criticize a game about to make it interesting but...not this one. Perfect (for me ofc)

Played this twice now, and i'll never forget a single thing that happened in this game. as a lover of the Yakuza franchise, this one really hit home for me. the perfect telling of our favorite characters' backstories and why they became to be who they are. nothing bad to say at all here, just Perfection.

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Top of the food chain when it comes to my favorite games of all time. I loved it so much. although I have my personal gripes with the Ending and final battle being SLIGHTY rushed and some CHARACTERS like Dickson being mistreated in terms of development and depth, i still love the game too much for what it gave me. not Perfect, but i'm too biased to say other than 10/10

It's sad that most people ignore this game even though it's part of the franchise. and in my opinion, the best one. Especially with it's themes and how it portrayed the Reapers (Sovereign) and the Protheans (Statue with a tentacle-creature labeled "Prothean)

The exploration may get tedious for some people but i didn't do it cause i HAD to as a completionist, but i did it cause i FELT like doing it. it eases the mind after a hard trek with the Gang. it was....relaxing.

Story was Great. characters and world-building even better. loved every bit of this game. Thank you for this. 10/10

This game mesmerized me in a way that i didn't expect whatsoever.

I expected a great story FPS game but this bizarre, entrancing game was more than i could ever grasp.
a pleasant surprise nonethless. of course, i felt the effect of the Rushing of certain Chapters but that's excusable (for me) when there's too much to offer outside of it. One of the favorite games for a reason. 10/10

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From what i can remember, i didn't like the Ending. the Story kept a mysterious vibe to it which i dug but i kinda lost my interest around half-way. didn't keep me goin.

Characters were bland in my opinion, except for Dr.Darling of course. can't get enough of the guy.
Gameplay was good for a 3rd person shooter (not my favorite)

But the best parts of this game is Soundtrack and level design by FAR. very impressive and cool. the Shifting walls level was amazing. paired with such a great soundtrack to rock to? unbeatable.

With that said, This is a good game. but i know that it just ain't for me but i would DEFINITELY encourage others to play it. it's more of a "see if you like it" and it just ain't for me. atleast i know. 7/10

Definitely plan to play again since i kept the endings for a different playthrough. focusing on how it'll turn out on my first.

Now for the FIRST playthrough i aint got much to say. but the Story itself was interesting and the addition of the 3rd Rin is very welcome and just adds to the Catherine we know of already. and the way they've been inserted into the story is sublime.

That said, gameplay wise, the Difficulty jump with Normal and up is extreme for me. maybe i need to get used to the Puzzling but it definitely bummed me out that i had to lower difficulties to actually get by with the game cause I'm very competitive. in a fun way of course, so the difficulty didn't suit me at all.

Catherine was a great experience nonetheless. some stuff i didn't like were Majors for me so i can't just cover em up. all in all...8/10

Perfection. Artorias and and Abyss ADDS to an ALREADY PERFECT GAME. what the hell more could you ask for? This game combines Gameplay and Story beautifully. both at their peak, none of em better than the other. a game I will always come back to no matter what.

Dark Souls 3 has gameplay topped. Dark souls 2 has Story topped. But 1? 1 Excels in both. Amazingly. 11/10

for a Choice game, your choices don't matter whatsoever, it's decent at BEST and I'm being very nice here. although I somewhat see potential, it's faded with Meaningless choices and "Important" ones like Hug her or Kiss her...?

Yeah, no. this game missed it by a long shot. a sad game to promote the show which it failed at aswell. cause this ain't it. 5/10

as a Borderlands fan (not 3) it was great to play another Borderlands game. i loved the AUSSY banter thanks to the devs for a switch of vibe. writing was great.

Gameplay wise however, replayability was down the drain for me. exhausting, not fun, and imbalanced difficulty to add.

with that said, i still really like this game. just more borderlands, but not AS good (even though it's hard to replicate) 8/10

It was great while it lasted. started to get too grindly and less fun. interesting nonetheless to revisit a classic that paved the way for it's kind. I respect it.

The missions had to be cheesed and repeated too many times and I honestly don't think it's cause of my inability to do it properly. either way, its a hefty 6/10

one more game from one of my favorite franchises, Uncharted.

pretty much more Uncharted. with Uncharted themes, Uncharted characters, Uncharted stories, Uncharted puzzles and Uncharted banter of course. i loved the Dynamic and how Sam is a third wheel in a way.

the Ending was very sweet and I'm VERY much impressed with the level design and how carefully put the enemies were and how fun sneaking was with Crushing difficulty. Reminds me of The Last of Us 1's Grounded difficulty. Difficult and painful but fun :)


Short game that makes you c*m/cry buckets. Lore is great, and characters not so much other than our two main boys of course.

I got nothing bad to say, just wish there was more of what was given to us in this game. fun gameplay, fun and engaging all in all. 9/10

Absolutely loved it. from the story to the short Ghibli cutscenes like rewards for my efforts. i loved this.

great story, characters, soundtrack and yes, even gameplay. it might be super simple but I strongly prefer it to it's sequel, Ni No Kuni 2.

That said, i have platinum'd this game and i enjoyed every moment of it. gameplay might've been a little too simplistic but i'm alright with that. 9/10

It was good. for a video game.

But a god awful remake to the original. does it no justice with 90% of Dialogue removed. makes it super bland and boring writing-wise.

Gameplay was good though. i enjoyed it. level design was good too but Platforming was ass. all in all a 7/10