Incredible action game, so much content that I could play only this for years to come. Main flaw is the same as original DMC 4, some repetitive content especially in Vergil's campaign where you loop through the whole game twice since he doesn't have another character to swap to.

The modders responsible for this touch up of an absolute classic like Silent Hill 2 deserve all the praise they can get. Truly an incredible project that helps preserve an absolutely legendary entry in the survival horror genre that Konami has failed to preserve themselves over the years.

A horror game for people who do not want to feel scared at all because there is a complete lack of any tension the moment you realize there is no real threat and its a pretty linear journey forward. Art and vibes are nice but just not really my thing.

Yakuza: Kiwami 2 does not do justice to the original game. Much of the experience here holds up and you can see the early bones of what side content would look like in the franchise for years to come playing something like this. I love my boy Ryuji and despite some story and character beats being slightly off when placed alongside the rest of the franchise, this is a very strong entry in the Yakuza universe.

The Bioshock Infinite of Bayonetta games, an incredibly disappointing game in certain areas while also having some redeemable elements. Personally don't have plans to return to this one in the future, I think in terms of gameplay I'd rather play Bayo 1 or 2. The summon gameplay is interesting and its cool to see what probably was Scalebound through this game but that's not what I come to Bayonetta for. Viola also seems like an afterthought and riding off the heels of the amazing torch pass to Nero in DMC 5, this game just did not hit its mark in making me look forward to future games in the franchise.

Banger party competitive game. Some of the funniest, most fast-paced action you can drop into with friends anytime with a unique style of gameplay focused on momentum and racing through levels against your friends.

The best storytelling in all of Bioshock. Also holds some interesting connections to contemporary issues such as AI development and things of that sort. Also nice to have a game or DLC story in this franchise that doesn't end with a big blowout gunfight as its final piece of the game.

Its Tetris by the Rez guys, no notes Tetris is the greatest game of all time.

Probably a better experience than the base game but much like my review for it, I feel like playing Outlast Trials turned me into an AI exploiting menace which kind of undercut the difficulty and fear factor for the game.

An absolute classic of the horde shooter genre. Truly worth the amount of praise and reputation it's earned over the years. I've got so many fond memories of playing this game since it first released. From running through levels on expert with friends I've made over the years to playing around in versus mode or modded maps. I also miss being able to bash infinitely, even if it was an easy exploit, lol.

Really solid expansion with new tools to use, mechanics to engage with, and enemies to fight. Fun stuff but has some tough competition with the main game which feels like a much more consistent experience throughout.

A very interesting experience throughout that rides that line between a point and click adventure game and a platformer. I say it resembles a point and click game because often it has obtuse and strange solutions to its puzzles and combat encounters that can frustrate or be satisfying depending on your tastes. The platforming still feels good despite how old this game is, something many platformers from that generation or earlier struggle with. I think the true strength of Psychonauts is in its aesthetics which evoke that Tim Burton style of dark and cartoony elements blended together. Would recommend to anyone interested in an early showing from Double Fine from years past.

One of the most unique arena-based fighting game things I think I've ever experienced. By no means perfect, in fact its incredibly flawed in some areas but I can't deny when that soundtrack kicks up and I start fighting someone in this game something activates in my brain that makes me get hype. I'm not sure if I'd recommend hunting it down to play unless you've got some friends to fight and have some fun with. The story is admittedly sort of forgettable so if you're just getting in for that I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

Phenomenal remaster with solid replayability in the form of mirror mode, new game plus, and time trials. Bluepoint also managed to add a set of hidden collectables made to entice those fans of SOTC that want more to discover in the Forbidden Lands. One thing that does come to mind as I play is that something was lost in translation from the original to the remaster since some of the bloom and things that aesthetically made the original as iconic as it is. Don't misunderstand, this version is beautiful and absolutely worth the time. Seeing things rendered with this level of detail is something to behold whether you're a new player of Shadow of the Colossus or someone who has loved the game since its original release.

That final boss really brought this down and I think by this point the Eternal encounter design started to wear on me.