28 reviews liked by Crunkulous

No, I didn't enjoy it. No, I didn't 100% it on an alternate account because I was ashamed to have it in my steam library. No, I didn't run a second playthrough on my phone. I totally didn't gush over Absa's route. What the hell are you talking about? Why would I ever play this game? It's not like it's related to my favorite platform fighter of all time..

They really should have went a bit harder with the writing. This could have been one of the funniest games.

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I thought the Cherry Blossom monster was neat. I loved the SH4 Easter Egg around the end of the game.

There were some big issues with the game. Story wise and gameplay wise.

the could've been goat got washed on release.............................

from my twitter media thread:

i wanted to throw something on my media thread so here's fraymakers. wow! for a game with among us in it, i am...pretty disappointed. rough launch, weird control mapping, and very little substance. the most i can hope for is that it gets better


its been about 9 months since i wrote my initial review and my opinion has honestly gotten WORSE. the game is STILL missing its 6th promised launch character and it seems like the massive roster of characters and assists that we were promised in the kickstarter are nowhere near. i have no clue whatsoever as to why they released the game like this. 9 months post release and they only JUST released ultra fishbunjin? i understand that game development is difficult, but this was just like...an irresponsible release of a game lol

starts off mostly okay, if not a bit bland but crashes and burns BADLY in the last chapter or so.

in order of enjoyment i'd rank the character's storylines as:

Donna > John >>> Meena

This is not the kind of Animal Crossing that I like to play. New Leaf provided the perfect game to escape from the world and just relax, New Horizons does not achieve that for me. The additions to the game like crafting, finite tools, and nook miles turn this game into a chore, which is not why I play Animal Crossing. It’s not a bad game and I see the appeal, but I will not be playing it again. Plus, New Leaf has way better music, so I’ll just stick to that game instead.

i am an unapologetic evolve defender (on most things, not all). loved this game even though it died within weeks.