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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 31, 2022

Platforms Played


This is the definition of a mid/average game to me. There's a lot of things I like, but just as many things I dislike too.

Let's start with the positives.

The story was the best thing about the game. I really liked the folklore Japanese horror, lots of interesting exotic concepts like the mythology of water, shrine maidens and ghost marriages among other things which make for a very interesting horror story. The cast of characters were also interesting and had good back-stories. The atmosphere was great at times and very creepy.

Now for the negatives.

First of all the movement is incredibly stiff and clunky and the gameplay is very repetitive. While I like the combat system and found it very unique essentially being an FPS but instead of shooting things you use a camera, it got very repetitive by the end of the game because all the ghosts are very health sponge-y and I was just running past a lot of ghosts because I didn't want to fight them.

Speaking of the ghosts, the first time you fight one is cool and scary, but the enemy design is very rehashed and reused and it ruins the atmosphere, like I can only be scared of the same ghost so many times lmao.

The level design is also very bland and rehashed, going to the same level over and over with multiple characters just gets so tedious and boring. Exploration is also another thing that just feels pointless in the game because it's super linear with a few dead ends that have some items here and there, but you always have more than enough items so you never need to go out of your way to pick up the ones in the levels.

Oh and the English dub was not very good, all the characters were super monotone and while I liked the characters, the monotonous robotic voice acting made it harder to connect with them at times.

At the end of the day I have a lot of complaints about the game and there were times where I just downright wasn't having fun playing it, but it's still far from a horrible game and I am glad I played it due to the interesting story and unique (yet repetitive) gameplay, but I wouldn't really recommend it unless you're a big fan of Japanese folklore style horror and can deal with clunky gameplay and a lot of rehashed game designs.