Castlevania's first foray into 3D.

It's bad. Never listen to anyone who says this is better than Lords of Shadow, they're delusional.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2021


3 years ago

i'd take the shoddiest platformers on the n64 over the absolute misery that is los' knockoff gow combat and terrible sotc imitations
Castlevania is one of my fave series and Lords of Shadow is one of my faves. Everything about it is incredible to me. The voice acting is all fantastic, Patrick Stewart, Jason Isaacs and especially Robert Carlyle as Gabriel? Doesn't get much better than that. Such a star studded cast. The graphics and concept art are absolutely beautiful and still holds up incredibly well, everything from the luscious forests to the dark castle and snowy mountaintops, it all looks fantastic. The film score OST is very professionally done and fits the epic cinematic nature of the game. The story is very profound and philosophical as you'd expect from something Kojima worked on after all, it takes major cues from Dante's Divine Comedy and Gabriel's entire character arc is very well done and tragic as hell. Oh and I don't give a shit if the combat is just 'a God of War clone' because it does it just as good, if not better than GoW. If you deny all that has soul and you'd rather play this garbage I don't know what to tell you.

3 years ago

chandler btfo

3 years ago

god of war wasn't very good in the first place and lords of shadow did nothing to improve upon or deviate from it. more offensive however is how shamelessly it rips off shadow of the colossus, adding nothing new to the table while also failing miserably at everything sotc succeeds in

i've never played this game and i'm already confident it's better than los
Lords of Shadow is a chad game, wym?
You're judging a game based on never even playing it so I really don't care, but more importantly, why bother responding to someone 10 days later? At that point you might as well just not respond at all, I think we both would've been better off.