260 Reviews liked by Cubixx



Love the freedom you get in this game, a lot of the puzzles have great desings and I think the bosses are fun. I think the combination of the Zelda puzzles/feel/artstyle/music combined with the precise combat of Dark Souls and the amazing design of the book made the gameplay very well paced and progress never got boring.
The only thing I didn't finnish was the tower. The tower is something i respect, even though it's annoying that I can't 100% the game without googling the answer, I think all games should have something for it's die-hard fans.
Overall, very well executed game.



It easily became my favorite game, I really like it very much. The beginning of the game is very simple and cute but when you arrive at the mid game you will be impressed with it. The puzzles are pretty clever, especially the last puzzle. I loved how the graphics just improve more and more when you are playing. I loved everything in this game. I really recommend it.

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The 16 hour long game that took me a year to finish. Though, I guess it's not all that uncommon for me.
I played the first episode in July because one of my friends was very into the series, and I felt like at least giving it a little bit of a shot.
Shockingly enough, I didn't hate it. I was actually interested in the story they were about to tell, so I told that friend that I would play the rest of it, but only if the remaining episodes went on sale. I wasn't that interested.
I eventually learned that this game never fucking goes on sale! Not even for big seasonal sales, the only reason I finally bought the rest of them was due to the developers having a 15th anniversary sale. I would watch the remastered version get discounted several times, but the most it ever went down was $20, which is already full price for the original.

Anyway, to talk about the actual game now, it was decent enough. Episode 2 was a drag to get through with how much they required me to rewind for a buncha random option select shit. I liked episode 3! I finished episode 3 thinking "wow! This is a cool setup, I hope they really go somewhere with what they've built from this point!" And then everything basically returns to normal about half an hour later. A bit unfortunate, I really wanted to see what all they could do with such a fucked up timeline, but I guess they couldn't let that go on for too long.
After that, 4 and 5 just kinda started to fall off for me. The longer it went on, the more just absurd things became and I could already barely take anything seriously with how annoying and/or lifeless a lot of the dialogue could be. Some really cool concepts throughout this whole game, but damn they know how to fumble.
Solid 6/10, I doubt I'll be checking out any of the later games. That might take a bit more convincing.

can't help but think what everything was like everywhere else while this was all happening in Wherever, Oregon.

Even without the glitches the game still sucks ass