Moirai was an absolutely fantastic game ruined by humans' cruelty to each other.

Rest in peace, Moirai. The world did not deserve you.

If you think this game is endorsing incest and presenting it as anything other than a bad thing that is unhealthy even though the game says "I really don't think you should do this" about the incest I really don't know what to tell you

Fantastic game bogged down by grating pacing. Much slower than it needs to be; characters repeat themselves a lot and much of the dialogue is superfluous and could be cut without consequence.

Otherwise, the real successor to the Phoenix Wright trilogy. Ace Attorney in spirit, charming characters, fun mysteries. The 3D models have come far since Dual Destinies.

Last case is a little weird in the case of immersion-breaking and deus ex machina, but otherwise flaws aren't glaring.

Shoutout to Herlock Sholmes for being the guy ever.

This is the worst game in the Danganronpa franchise. The art seriously downgraded, there's a big plot twist so wrapped up in misogyny I almost want to laugh, the ultimate talents are repetitive, and the entire game is so far detached from reality--even by Danganronpa standards-- that it's incredibly hard to get invested in. The ending is also very controversial among fans, and I am among those that don't like it (although, honestly, the game HAD to have a twist like that because how else would you continue the story of a wrapped up franchise? Evidence this game should not have existed).

I like a couple of the characters, but that's about it. Everything else is completely dismal.

My friend bought me this game, and I didn't even make it halfway through. Ultimately I'd find sexy anime catgirl wish fulfillment VN to be pretty inoffensive; not my thing, but not worthy of such a low rating.

But the girls in this game look...suspiciously underage, and it's seriously disturbing. Couple that with there being absolutely no story, and you get a VN that is simply just "She's not ACTUALLY underage bro she's not human so shes like 6789684792632 years old!" smut content and nothing else.

I don't trust anyone who finds anything likable about Nekopara.

The autistic girl experience (she is trans and awesome)

Thank you for saving my Spanish class

Very charming game with good art, mystery, and an extremely strong emotional core. It would benefit from being longer, but this game was made for a contest that required it be made it under a month so I can't fault it too badly.

The biggest fault it has is that there's a huge exposition dump and the end and it does a lot of telling and not showing. But it's biggest strength is the very engaging story and characters, who are complex, 3-dimensional, and heartwrenchingly relatable.

- Memorable and mostly likable characters
- Interesting mysteries
- Amazingly stylized art and soundtrack
- Fun gameplay
- Well-done blend of genuine horror and black comedy

- More than a few of these characters suck ass
- Some elements really aged poorly
- Some mysteries are somewhat predictable
- Way hornier than I'd like it to be
- Villain motivation sucks ass

Overall a mixed bag. I LOVE some of the characters while others fall completely flat. Some emotional beats hit very hard, others have me rolling my eyes. Some of the mysteries are genius and others are incredibly predictable or just kind of stupid. I love how it comes out of the terrible situation with an optimistic outlook and the game's overall themes of hope and looking forward, but in order to bolster that, the villain's motivation is just awful.

I would still recommend it, however, because when Danganronpa is good, it's really good. Even if that also means the bad parts are equally bad.

Extremely relatable representation of depression and nuanced family relationships bogged down by clunky gameplay. Uri is definitely more of a storyteller and less of a game designer.

Most fun misrepresentation of DID I've every played

Propaganda simulator with simple gameplay, interesting worldbuilding, and good art. Won't take too much of your time, requires some strategizing. Very good for a free game

This is the worst visual novel I have ever read

A fun spook with great art that's worth two hours of your time.

It isn't perfect. It's pretty buggy, the controls aren't great, and the plot really isn't that original (not to mention the holes in the story and details that don't end up meaning anything), but it's a very fun time.

This could have been great, but everything about it failed so miserably.

If you thought the art in the second Zero Escape game was a major downgrade, you haven't seen anything yet. The 3D Models in this game are both incredibly ugly and don't match the dialogue at all.

This game relies so heavily on shock value it's not even funny. Blood, guts, gore everywhere, an SA scare, and tragic backstories for new characters that do not serve their characters in the slightest and feel downright disrespectful.

All of the new characters are extremely lacking--except Carlos, he was actually enjoyable. All of the rest are either extremely unlikable people or tired writing tropes. This game also introduces Eric who is I think possibly the worst character ever. I am not even exaggerating.

The returning characters are...different. For what it's worth I enjoyed how they had changed, and felt the changes were natural progressions of their characters, but for some of them, the changes are so drastic I can see why many fans dislike them.

The mastermind reveal is so mindbogglingly stupid it makes me want to tear my hair out. Sigma is at least way more bearable than in the last game, but this newfound likability for him is overridden by a plot twist that makes aspects of his character from the last game even grosser in retrospect.

The story is told across multiple timelines, which would normally be fine as that's par for the ZE course, except for the fact that all of those timelines are played alongside each other rather than one at a time, and also all of them are told out of order, making the story impossible to keep track of without taking notes.

This game also has the least amount of escape rooms in the series, which is a serious downside considering this is A GAME SERIES ABOUT ESCAPE ROOMS.

Zero Time Dilemma is an eye-bleedingly ugly storytelling disaster full of unlikable characters, awful plot twists, and egregious shock value. It gets one star over a half solely because I liked C Team, but that's it.