Games That People Like That I Don't

They insist upon themselves.

This is more just me being salty at how much GTA Online ruined Rockstar.
I don't normally care for an unfinished game - and Melee is certainly unfinished - but it's hard to ignore it's overwhelmingly vocal fanbase. Normally a game can be saved from being unfinished if the resulting final product shows potential; and frankly I've never seen the potential in Melee's broken hitboxes, janky physics, unusable moves and a character so badly designed that he can't even shield because they forgot to give a shield hitbox that covered his whole body.
I get to the Triforce section and I just mentally check out; such an annoying piece of filler in an otherwise servicable Zelda game.
"Like, woah dude, what if sci-fi was quirky??"
Spidey B. Jordan takes on Venom in a game where, despite including Venom and Kraven, the most dangerous enemy to Spider-Man is a falling fridge.
It's always sad to see a franchise you love fall apart in front of your eyes, unable to come up with an original concept even when faced with being cancelled. Ripped a Fart offers no interesting direction for the Ratchet and Clank franchise beyond throwing it's hands in the air and blindly asking you which Future characters you remember and if Dr Nefarious is still funny if you make him the punchline to every joke.
Specifically the ultra deluxe version. There's something so annoyingly dirty about this game - is it the fact that it's supposed to be a critique on sequel culture whilst also being an unnecessary sequel? Is it the completely inescapable commentary on how much the developers really didn't want to make this game, but the fans forced them to? Is it the completely unfunny running gag of the bucket changing every ending? Maybe it's all 3!
A game with the depth and tone of an edgy 2007 flash game. I'd be more forgiving if it had a single original bone in it's body and didn't rip it's gameplay from Ark Survival.


Only fondly remembered because it's the same devs that gave us Shadow of the Colossus; it's an otherwise completely fine puzzle game that people felt the need to praise as being one of the best things of all time.
A completely unnecessary sequel that doesn't bother to expand on the fun, party-game antics of 1 and instead debases itself into being a low-rate Amogus clone with roles with more needless complications than a law book.


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