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1 hr ago

Behhhhhh finished MultiVersus
Okay enough time has passed I'm gonna make a real review. I'll talk about the bad first.

Yeah it's a free to play game and the corporation is greedy so these things are bound to suck. I don't like it but I also have to admit this personally doesn't affect me. I've played the beta enough to the point where I have every character I like unlocked. FIghter tokens should really be given out more and I wish the new players could have an easier time unlocking the characters they want and the battle pass grind wasn't as bad as it could be.
Some skin prices can be silly but I buy Fortnite skins and it's not really any worse than that game is.

Bugs/Lack of features
This is just a product of them rebuilding the game in UE5 but flaws are flaws. Some bugs are funny but others can be frustrating and it really begs the question of how much they playtest their own game. The silver lining is that these are hopefully temporary fixes that won't be a thing in a month or two's time.

I like 1v1s at times but it's flat out the inferior mode. It can be fun at times but it's just a lot of fishing for combo starters and getting whacked around by the unfun characters to deal with. If you're against Wonder Woman, Superman, or Harley then you're probably not going to have that much fun. I don't play this mode often unless I need to finish a mission or am close to leveling something up.

I don't actually hate Rifts. It can be fun but I have no strong feelings on it. It's not any better or worse than other fighting game PVEs so whatever. Agent Smith grind sucks though he better be worth it.

Okay I'm moving onto the good now because I really like this game and what it could be in the future

The disconnects are annoying, but when the match plays out the connection is amazing. I have almost never had lag in all my time with the new launch.

I like Smash as much as the next guy and I like video games more than I like shows/movies. That being said, this game appeals to my taste in shows/movies more than Smash appeals to my taste in games. Rick and Morty are actually playable and not Mii costumes so that's a good start. The Gremlins movies are great, DC capeshit is cool, Rick and Morty is awesome, and the Looney Tunes are silly. I hope we get more movie characters though.

MultiVersus also does an outstanding job at representing these series. I can tell that the developers love these shows and movies as much as I do. There are so many fun gags and references they pulled with Rick and Morty and Gremlins that I really appreciated. The voice lines add a lot and seeing a lot of the characters I like talking to each other and fighting is nice to see.
I love the soundtrack too. A lot of people don't like the orchestra and I just don't get it. I agree there could be more variety but I love the orchestra. People say it sounds like theme park music and I think that fits this game's tone perfectly.

I hate on 1v1s but I think this game's design is amazing otherwise. There are some blunders like that banana that I hate but there are too many cool movesets. I think Marvin is my favorite platform fighter character ever designed. Iron Giant is a ballsy innovation for the genre even if his execution has been shaky so far. The shining examples of this game's moveset design to me are Lebron, Gizmo, Tom and Jerry, and Marvin.

This is where it gets good. This is what the game was made for and it shows. Doubles with a friend are magical. I would go so far as to say that it's one of the best fighting game experiences ever. The game feels much more balanced as any powerful combos can be interrupted while new ones can be made with the right team synergy. The way characters have abilities that work with their allies makes things great too. As an example, Marvin has a move that gives opponents a lock-on debuff, making all allied projectiles home in on them. If you have the right character working alongside Marvin it's hilarious.

I like this game a lot. It's a shame seeing it become the internet punching bag and have such a low rating, but I also can't really say its criticisms are wrong or undeserved. A lot of it can likely be blamed on the corporation behind the game but the developers should also look out for the bugs better and not have made Banana Guard.
At the end of the day though, it's still really fun to play for me and it has the characters I really like. I have faith in this game's future and I want to see it get better even if this launch has been a travesty. Please add Master Shake and Tony Soprano.

2 hrs ago

FlowerSunAndGram commented on BastardJodie's review of Firo & Klawd
only review I'm seeing of this game and I'm glad it's you

2 hrs ago

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