1788 reviews liked by CycloneJoker

Game for people who tweet “Animation isn’t just for kids” with images of the four most recent children’s movies attached

This is the type of ADHD gameplay I live for, truly one of the greats

Ight I'm fucking done with the season now. If I'm being honest this shit dragged on too long and the avatar mythics can suck my fat fucking nuts with how dogshit they were. How do you let your own mythics get overshadowed by the fucking crossovers, fuck this shit.

I will possibly be back next season but that's because I have stockholm syndrome.

Being done with this is like the image of the dude standing in front of the rising sun while ripping his chains off

Full review coming later because I just have THAT much to say

you could literally spends hundreds upon hundreds of hours in it and still have stuff to do, with some gameplay smart improvements over 7 this is the ideal modern musou

Shadows of Valentia is such an interesting case where it's almost a perfect game. The presentation, voice acting, narrative, and music are all so goddamn perfect that it carries that really repetitive and mediocre gameplay that this game has. It's clear that Intelligent Systems wanted this game to be pretty faithful to the original Gaiden in terms of gameplay, but I feel that is what really brings it down for me. Especially in the last quarter of the game where the dungeons become a lot longer and the map design is either nonexistent or really bad.

I do really love this game, but replaying it after 4 years from my last replay has made me realized the game's highs and lows pretty clearly.

It's alright, quite a bit bullshit in areas but with a healthy amount of save scumming and making sure to collect the weapon orbs- it becomes much easier and quite quick to beat. Its whatever, there's worse games.

Game literally stopped working on the 2nd stage of world 2. Woody literally disappeared from my game.

This game is so aids that I'm not even caring if I didn't see the ending, it didn't wanna complete it can fuck right off. Games done. Eat my shit. This game is quite literally aids on a stick.

Holy shit I never thought a game made for toddlers was gonna get me as hype as this game did.
Woolie wasn’t lying, Kirby goes so fucking hard.
10/10 it made me Haiii