this is just Hexen but way cooler

it can bust your balls at times but the environments, level design, weapons and enemies are all superb which is why i love this whole trilogy to begin with

whoever made Thysis can suck my balls

i was gonna write a serious review about this game but that ending had me laughing my ass off bro oh my god this is the funniest trilogy in fictional history if i played this as a kid it would've been my fucking lifeblood

i will be telling everyone i know to play these games this is an example of a game you couldn't actually make these days because its too fucking insane for a publisher to greenlight

the 4 poi's lived in harmony until Isaac Clarke smited them with the power of god

this is the worst 3d beat em up the video game landscape will ever see

i like the first Legend of Spyro game i think its a decent albeit basic beat em up with insanely good looking world design

this game however is abysmal and throws everything promising out the window

first problem: the combat

from the very beginning of the game Spyro gets the ability to slow down time whenever he wants this doesn't really come up at all in the plot its just a new gimmick for your playset

however to try and balance this all of the enemies do insane amounts of damage even in the first fucking level so you'll be hit by the most basic grunts and lose 1/3 of your health bar which is really small in this game because they added God of War health upgrades to this for whatever fucking reason

the time slow ability also slows down Spyro at all which defeats the entire purpose of the ability please stop fucking doing this shit with time powers in video games

there are no i frames in this game which also means if you get hit at all you will likely be dogpiled by the 6 other enemies that spawn in every single encounter and die immediately without any chance to defend yourself great fucking game design there guys

the hitboxes in this game are laughable you will die due to something either not hitting you or just from nothing at all numerous amounts of times during the game and you have to deal with it

enemies will also break out of your combos at complete random and immediately attack you which again will lead to instant death in almost every scenario

the slow mo effect on attacks is back too and makes the already terrible combat drag to a fucking halt because for no reason at all they removed the ability to turn it off so every time you do an air combo its gonna take twice as long because of the shitty slo mo

it is also added to the screen nuke attacks and they also take fucking forever to activate because of it

problem 2: Spyro's control

A New Beginning did not have much of an emphasis on platforming this is because the game was designed as a beat em up through and through

Eternal Night does away with this and makes Spyro jump across incredibly tiny platforms that he can barely make because of the momentum he carries when he glides

the camera is also fucking terrible in every platforming section and often obscures the platforms you need to cross
there is a platforming section in the last level of the game where it is pitch black with a GIF file of snow falling on your screen at all times and the game genuinely expects you to maneuver a cliff jumping from moving platform to moving platform under these conditions

these platforms in question are also completely black with little green glowing lines you can barely make out

final problem: the boss fights
this game has the worst set of boss fights i've seen in any game i've played ever they amplify every issue with the games combat immensely with horribly telegraphed attacks that come out the exact frame they start up which will hit you almost every time because they are borderline impossible to avoid and yet again will almost always lead to instant death

if you want to experience this madhouse of game design go right on ahead but if you're a sane individual who wants to experience the entire trilogy then just watch a cutscene comp on youtube its not worth it

it is insanely fun fighting all the big ass monsters the game throws at you but the amount of times i had to refight monsters to build my weapons and armor got so tiring after a while that i just used a save editor to give me the parts for the high rank armor

but again it is really fun cutting off monster chunks with your super long samurai sword

i love quoting the Green Goblin and gunning down my teammates before they can extract

i gazed into the abyss and the abyss gazed back

they turned Spyro into Lord of the Rings and i kinda fuck with it

this games difficulty fuckery in the localization hurts even more now knowing that without all of that stupid shit its the best one in the trilogy

i will travel back to the 90s and stop that bastardization from happening

Yu Gi Oh would be the coolest game in the world if it ever taught you how to actually play it

its fun when the sword actually hits the enemies

games pretty good except for when it makes you use the stupid fucking bird

I would pay for a PC port of this its fucking rad

Almost passed out playing of the Touhou songs but i locked in and managed to get a B+

nah bro i'm not getting those gems