Had a great time with this one, charming atmosphere and some pretty tight gameplay serve to make this a really great single-night playthrough. Some of the puzzles were a bit esoteric and I definitely wish there was a bit more, but I still recommend this game for exactly what it is, a charming little puzzle adventure title with cute witches and monsters.

I wish it was a bit longer and introduced the hotswitch mechanic earlier. I also wish the story didn't feel as hamfisted and forced into a fun core gameplay loop. But never the less, SUPERHOT was a fun bite-sized ride with a great core mechanic. I definitely needed something short and sweet like this to get me back in the game-completing mood.

An absolutely phenomenal and satisfying game by all means. But also one that I felt my brain ramming into the deeper I went in. After about the 25-hour mark, I simply felt like things were getting too complex for me to play efficiently. If I ever end up majoring in engineering then I'll make sure to come back to it, but until then, so long factorio

An immaculate love letter to horror games, and especially the Resident Evil franchise itself. I played on standard and had a hell of a time mowing down Lycan's with just enough ammo to pull through. A fantastic journey with an amazing atmosphere and phenomenal world-building, biggest of recommends.

While I completely understand and even agree with the complaints of this games repetitive nature, I never found myself not having a good time with it. Just rolling through New Bordeaux with a youtube video on in the background made for some of the most fun evenings I've had with a game in a while. The characters were quite fun too and I truly think it earned it's ending.

(You can refer to the plethora of negative reviews across the internet to see the things I didn't like. I just wanted to say some nice things about this game for a change)

A really really fun romp with the level of polish I have come to expect from the Mario franchise and its adjacent series'. There were certainly a few parts that had me bored or angry (Basement river ride, and final boss come to mind) but as an overall package, it's a great time.
The character animation and look of everything is just so beautiful too, this is a pretty game.

This is probably one of the easiest 10/10’s I’ve ever given.
Disco Elysium is a special little oddity, it’s concepts don’t seem outwardly foreign, you are a detective tasked with solving a murder, with a variety of skills on hand, you can talk, fight, or think your way through most problems, even the amnesiatic spin isn’t anything new. The real brilliance comes in the execution and complete breadth of the games world. Martinaise, Revachol, and the entire in-game world have politics, flora, fauna, and interpersonal connections that seem to be moving and developing every second that the player does. The dialogue is the greatest indicator of this, conversations with one person can go on for minutes on end, with truly individual personality and takes on the war-weary land they have to sit in. This, alongside the brilliant and detailed watercolor backgrounds transport you to this fictional country.
My favorite part about this game was diving into the mind of your main character. He’s unmistakably fractured, and this is heavily represented by twenty-four independent chemical personalities floating around and verbalizing themselves in his head. The leveling and skill checking RPG elements of the game go directly towards the power and influence of these voices, crafting a protagonist who may be a walking encyclopedia, or perhaps a screaming electrochemistry driven meathead. It’s one of the first games in a while where I feel a distinct level of say in who I’m controlling.
I’ve circled around it a bit, but the writing is truly this game's main attraction. A brilliantly tight script that lends itself to any number of playstyles, full of legitimately fun characters was all I could think about between play sessions this past week. The impact of every action you take sending ripples across the world, that was continuously and directly expressed through nearly every interactable character was just astounding.
All in all, I can truly say that I loved every second playing this game, and I felt a drive that I so rarely feel when it comes to media with narratives this heavy. Please seek out a copy of this masterpiece for yourself, and enjoy.

I loved a lot about this one, although I think the whole intense platformer subgenre may just not be for me 100%. I really liked this for what it is though, and I'm really glad I beat it, despite me being really bad at it and dying 1497 times

Wonderful little piece with a unique goopy atmosphere, perfect for a single sit down playthrough. Didn't control as well as I would have liked, and I wish there was a bigger world, but still a purely good time.

Just an amazing little puzzle platformer that bathes itself in environmental storytelling. The atmosphere flowed together brilliantly, and I loved the designs of everything, the chefs in particular. I just wish I could have more of it.

While certainly not as explosive/bombastic as the first 3, this one gets through with a really nice and moody atmosphere. I really liked the characters, although I wish it didn't really feel like Apollo was a side player in his own game at points.

I also seemed to enjoy case 3 a lot more than everyone else.

A masterclass in worldbuilding, loveable character writing, and tight combat/platforming segments. I was hung up for a bit on giving this a 5, but looking back at the whole picture, there was nothing less that it deserved. It's one of the first games in years that has made me go out of my way to grind and claw my way towards its secret endings.

Absolutely phenomenal shooter campaign, with some really fun combat and surprisingly well written characters. By the end of it I was feeling pretty emotionally tired, but I certainly think it earned its ending. Really really recommend this one if you're looking for a classic feeling shooter, with solid level design.

Although the best puzzles were spread few and far between, the writing is what really elevates this one. Outside of Danganronpa I'm very green in the visual novel department so it was amazing seeing something so grounded, with a huge focus on small character moments over big set-piece events.
If you ever want the vibe of cracking open a great mystery novel, but are in the mood for a game at the same time, go with this one.

Perhaps one of the best paced JRPG's ever, nothing seems to outstay it's welcome and everything seamlessly flows together when it comes to the story. Charming character writing and intense combat scenarios are just a couple more aspects that make Chrono Trigger worthy of being in the conversation for greatest of all time, to this day.