Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 27, 2022

First played

November 14, 2022

Platforms Played


(played as part of ATARI 50)

A very impressive port from arcade to 2600. Any game that makes that transition while remaining even baseline playable is a big win, but this might actually improve on the original. Looks great, plays great, maintains the feel and some of the scary effects. Great job!

(played as part of ATARI 50)

An excellent concept realized quite well. The main thing - the bombs raining down and having to lead them with your missiles - would have honestly been enough by itself, but a lot of fun little tweaks like the terrifying cluster bombs that split off at low altitude, plane enemies firing from halfway down the screen, chain reactions as the bombs are set off in air, etc., make this feel fuller than many of its contemporaries.

Even though it's fun immediately and throughout, I feel like the difficulty ramps up way too fast, with the bombs seemingly doubling in speed every level. With the whole thing of the game being firing ahead of them, you don't really have enough time to acclimate yourself to the speed-ups before you're dead, and levelling that steep curve out at least a little would let the player dial it in without having to just play the first few levels over and over. But, you know, quarters, etc...

I think I played a version of this on PC a long time ago where there was only one fire button and your missile automatically launched from whichever base was closest and had ammo. I must say that I strongly prefer that simplified setup to a separate button for each base, which I think only adds unnecessary confusion to a strong core design conceit that doesn't need any.

Also - legendary Game Over screen, top ten ever type stuff.