Quite an interesting game. I am surprised there are not more games like this. Just a nice story and some simple minigames to move the story along.

I liked it. I was quite done with it by the time credits rolled but overall I am glad I played it.

I think that the puzzles were well made and tight early on and got looser and sloppier the later in the game you went. By the end, the mix of powers and types of terrain and blocks etc made it so I felt I was constantly solving stuff in unintended ways. Don't feel the need to 100% it.

It is solid. If you like puzzle platforming and metroidvanias, you will love this. I have mixed feelings toward metroidvanias but I think this game mostly avoided the weaknesses of the genre.

It had a couple parts I hated but those are overshadowed by all the good parts.

I get it. I get why people love this. But to me, the combat and enemy design was mostly bad. But much worse is the incredibly poorly designed skill tree:
The game has 8 different branches of powers to level up, but if you level up anything other than your throw power this is a huge mistake and you will have a bad time playing this game. The melee power even fully upgraded does essentially no damage. It is just wasted points. Health upgrades also don't matter at all, because everything basically tickles you or one shots you. I didn't explore the shield powers or ground slam, but I would be shocked if those could hold a candle to the throw.

I would have liked the combat and therefore the entire game better if that skill tree wasn't so horribly balanced.

Feels exactly like Risk of Rain 1 in a lot of ways, but somehow translates perfectly into 3D which is almost never the case.

Still Braid. Still 5 stars. Anyone who hasn't played the original Braid can now buy this shiny new version.
The 7th worlds AKA the commentary world actually contains a substantial number of fun interesting puzzles, even if you don't care about game dev commentary. If you were a big fan of the original Braid, I think it is worth picking up just for that.

Definitely has that "just one more battle" feeling I get from a good rogue-like. I liked my build a lot and plan to try more.

My brain just doesn't work this way. You need to know where you are, where enemies are, and what abilities you have queued up, in real time. I only have 2 eyes and they are currently stuck facing the same direction.

It was a cool game, but not for me.

Never got the true ending which seemed insanely tough, but basically beat all other content. This game was WAYYY better than I expected. Puzzley combat, and well designed interesting deck building. The one flaw of the game is that you can literally lose a run on one combat blunder, which can be frustrating. Overall, HIGHLY recommend to fans of the genre.

Not my style of game. Make a million decisions up front with no context about your character, go out and chat with people to gather quests, do the quests, gain generic loot which is identical to what you have, fight enemies in what is for the genre pretty excellent shooter combat, but compared to any actual shooter is ultra boring.

It is all fine. I see why people like it. To me, these types of games lack any sort of puzzling / strategy AND lack any sort of skill based gameplay. If I am going to play an RPG, I would much rather play something like Diablo with much much more interesting skill trees and loot. If I am going to play a shooter, I would much rather play an actual shooter with non-stop combat and interesting weapons or interesting tactics or interesting enemies.

It was good. Solid. Decent. I don't know! It was tedious. The puzzles were mostly convoluted "What order do you do this in?" type puzzles with occasional "Aha!" moments sprinkled in.

I guess it was a cool art style and some good mechanics but puzzle design was pretty mixed.

The ending I had some issues with the controls that dampened my opinions a bit, but it was still undeniably a cool ending.

Fantastic rogue-like deck builder. Wholly unique poker based gameplay. Combos are super fun and the game is super addicting.

Honestly, I expected more of the same. And yeah it is more of the same but it is much improved in every way.

The story is excellent and much more exciting (if not strictly better since the first one also has a very interesting philosophical story). The art and environments are way way prettier. And most importantly, the puzzles are much better and more consistently interesting. The first one's main problem is that it really dragged. Toward the end it had no new ideas and was just adding tedium rather than fun new puzzles. In this one, I never felt like a puzzle was tedious or repetitive or boring. I am somewhat shocked to be giving it the full 5 stars, but it was that good.

More Golden Idol. What's not to love?

This game is some kind of masterpiece. It just isn't quite like anything else I have played. It takes sim / city building games and makes them have massive variance from game to game and carefully considered strategy and an end goal.
To me, Against the Storm feels like a completely different game from anything that came before it and I love it.
My one criticism is that it is basically infinite, with no satisfying ending for semi-casual players.