10 Games to play if you're a beginner in Game Design

I put notes with each game to know why you should play it. All these games are easy to find, and / or affordable (free or under 10 $ except Celeste).

The Beginner's Guide
The Beginner's Guide
Some schools are not open to experimental games, and the Beginner's Guide is a proof you can do a collection of micro-games and still be interesting Game Design-wise.
Blind Drive
Blind Drive
Neat concepts, experimenting with audio is always a nice idea to help your student projects stands out.
Ubermosh Vol.7
Ubermosh Vol.7
The perfect game to understand feedbacks and "juice", and a nice scope to aim for if you're doing a 1-2 month project.
Super Mario 64 Plus
Super Mario 64 Plus
How to efficiently and simply understand 3D Level Design and HUB Design.
I see a lot of beginners that wants to have a fast-paced, stress inducing game. This is it, done right.
Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate
Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate
Perfect example of "taking a known game / set of rules and adding a twist"
Thomas Was Alone
Thomas Was Alone
All the basics. Gameplay, narrative, UI...
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
How to design micro-gameplay and how to make a fast-paced game. Some schools have a "Do a WarioWare clone" in their Game Design program.
Murder Dog IV
Murder Dog IV
I know some people may want to try narrative games for school projects, and Muder Dog 4 is all you need to understand to make fun, short narrative games.
If you want to make a 2D Platformer, Céleste and Mario Games are the perfect blend of cool physics and gameplay mechanics.


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