Log Status






Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 4, 2024

First played

April 26, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I'm so glad this game came out when it did - I really, really needed it. My job makes me feel like I'm going bald from stress sometimes, and Botany Manor is the absolute best glass of wine after a long day. The puzzles are simple and keep the game from just being a total walking simulator, but are perfect at immersing the player into the environment, and falling in love with Arabella's manor. While I'm glad the puzzles add complexity to the game, I did still play Botany's Manor not too differently from a walking simulator by just walking around the house and admiring the different architecture, room decorations, and of course, the flora. There's lots of chairs to sit and enjoy the ambiance with as well... I adored it, often sitting in the chairs for longer than I originally intended and just going totally zen and letting my head go empty. It's nice, because walking around and just exploring does naturally lead to you solving a lot of the puzzles, as well.

There's no rush to beat Botany Manor, it took me around 5 hours, which for a $20 price tag I can understand not being the best deal, but for me it's something I absolutely will return to after a rough day at work, even after finishing the game, just to sit in Arabella's house and enjoy the scenary.
