Log Status






Time Played

19h 30m

Days in Journal

11 days

Last played

February 28, 2023

First played

February 4, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


An absolute masterpiece. Every detail, whether through design, gameplay, or story, is so clearly well thought out, it comes together to create the perfect horror game. Resident Evil flourishes on its scary environment without ever relying on the cheapness of jump scares to enforce these vibes. It takes the best aspects of storytelling and gameplay and perfects them to create an absolutely brilliant survival horror game.

The entire game is designed around boosting every element of a video game to best fit the scary environment. It knows that as a horror game you'll be wanting to save as often as you're able, allowing yourself the extra security while walking around the murderous environment. Thus they add in the element of save ribbons; something simple that seems tedious at first but adds incredible thrill as you continue to play. You play the game faster as you're not saving as often in order to save ribbons, in fact it does the unimaginable and gets the player comfortable in not saving. The puzzles throughout are simply perfect. They're simple enough to not cause frustration, but not so braindead they bore the player. Walking the hallways even are a puzzle within themselves, knowing which zombies are more important to focus on burning and avoiding in order to conserve bullets. Every moment of the game involves thinking about your next step, keeping you on your tiptoes from the horror aspect, while also keeping players excited for the next clue in solving the mystery of the mansion. Keeping track of inventory spaces even, becomes a part of the puzzle of your eventual escape.

Talking about the game can't go without mentioning how beautiful it looks. The fact this remaster is on the GameCube looking as gorgeous as it does is shocking. Tank controls allow the camera to cut in cinematic ways, as well as giving the player breathing time between rooms with great shots of the doors in-between, each one personalized to the story. I disagree with complaints of them, as I feel it creates an incredibly artistic atmosphere of mixing both film horror techniques and classic first-person video game ambience.

Overall, Resident Evil is a breathtaking game. An absolute must-play. A classic of video game history.
And most important of all, it looked freaking great on my princess TV.