Baldur's Gate 3 has the greatest 100 hours of gameplay I have ever experienced. Act 1 alone is the most expertly crafted video game I have ever played. This game isn't faultless, but the fact that it took me more than 100 hours to feel them is an incredible accomplishment. In a world of live service games, Baldur's Gate 3 is a splash of cold water to the game industry. It is an accomplishment that deserves to set the standard we ask from the industry moving forward.

Special games don't come along too often. Breath of the Wild is a special game. Developers cannot recreate the perfect storm that created this game. This game expresses mastery in the craft of making a game. It combines the expertly crafted puzzle solving Nintendo have crafted for the Zelda series, with a breathtaking visual style, dropping you into a beautiful sandbox to adventure through. Breath of the Wild is a special game that brings back the "Adventure" in an "Action Adventure" genre that has been sorely missing.

It is rare for a game to meet it's high expectations. It is another thing entirely to be better than anyone imagined possible. Elden Ring proves FromSoftware's mastery over creating the feeling of overcoming challenge. It allows one to express their own creativity in playing the game in so many ways, yet the system mechanics are so strong and refined that everyone in every scenario can succeed. It builds a dark fantasy world of gods and misery, knowing it has provided you, the player, with all the tools to overcome and succeed in this miserable world, whiles simultaneous allowing that success to be dictated and tailored to the way you prefer to express it.