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Worst fucking game of all time glad my switch online ran out so im finally free from elite smash hell.
yeah basically its a competitive game i dont play anymore ofc i fuckin hate it now but this shit been with me for too long to not respect it

I had pretty good first impressions of this game, mostly from a visual/audio design standpoint. Phenomenal looking game.
But the aesthetics do tend to come at the expense of making some shit really hard to see, when I started playing this game every time Id hid an enemy id be blinded for a second or so and it was really disorienting.
That did wear off, and Im not sure if thats because it wasnt that big a deal and I sropped being a bitch, or because I was going through the same rooms over and over again and eventually had them memorized to where i didnt need to see more than a little bit to know what i was doing, id done it like 50 times.
Games not exactly the most cryptic shit of all time, and I know it being real open ended is part of the point, but the game never gave me a reason to want to explore shit and figure stuff out, so my ass just lost interest pretty quickly after the game opened up more. Like i never got hooked, idk
I dont think its just a metroidvania thing, Super Metroid fucks hard and what I played of Aeia of Sorrow was great, I just got busy with other shit in the middle of that game and eventually it had been long enough that it wouldve felt weird to come back in ghe middle, so I just abandoned it. Its been long enough though that I should probably replay that though, banger fucking game.

I fuck with the movement heavy, loved the postgame stuff, I do wish they didnt try to push the story so hard, or that they implemented it better. 1st 2 chapters are fun, 3 & 4 blow dick in large part because theyre trying too hard to represent emotions and shit, 5 actually does it pretty well, and the later chapters get back to focusing more on being a fun game. mainly core, cores the best level. Idk, precision platformers feel like the wrong genre to try to give deep narrative meaning to, at least as a main point. Im sure it can be done well, but im here to jump through tight levels yafeel
still a good comfort game when im feeling unproductive but my hands still want smthn to do
trans rights btw