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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 29, 2023

Platforms Played


What if (insert any Nintendo 64 platformer here) had drugs, blood splashing everywhere, let you pee on people, and was incredibly sus? You know everything Nintendo was known to actively be against doing during the 64 era? Well that's what this game is. This is a fever dream that no one would've saw being officially supported by Nintendo on their platform at the time. The fact it looks as child friendly as most other animal mascot platformers at the time made the shock value of seeing those cute characters explode into blood and swear all the more shocking. Honestly this game even gave series like Doom a run for their money when it comes to bloody shock value. While Conker's Bad Fur Day may not have the deepest gameplay, it is absolutely an unforgettable experience. Easily a top 5 game on the console.