Lost media so rating this based on what we know. I have so much respect for the teacher who made this. This is genuinely the coolest thing i think any teacher has ever done ever. No cap.


Any 1950 game is impressive simply by existing IMO but the fact that there was a different tic tac toe video game before this one makes it less impressive. Still, decent fun for a brief period of time.

Lost media so I'm rating this based on info we know about it. It is quite literally tic tac toe which can be some slight fun I suppose. If a tic tac toe game released now I'd probably rate it low cause of how basic it is but the fact this came out 30 years before games became even slightly mainstream is insane. Also most OLD games aren't fun to play more than 3 minutes but y'know what I could see myself hypothetically playing this longer so imma rate it relatively high. Thx for inventing video games.

Incredibly boring but historically important so uhhh I respect it even if it's not good.

As a HUGE Bleach fan i never understood why this character was so popular. Like he's cool but he barely does anything until a later arc and even then many other do more. can't help but feel this could've been Byakuya, Kenpachi, Ulquiorra, or even Uryu who for some reason is always ignored. Bleach got a few other DLC characters and while I'm unsure about them being the best choices I do think a reoccurring villain and one of the protag's mentor's (who also acts as a fem rep and the only black reps in Jump Force) were better decisions. Oh well Toshiro is at least a bit fun to play kinda slightly ... I mean this is jump Force we're talking about here.

Despite me liking Kurama way more I actually entirely understand this choice which is crazy since this game has a habit of making weird roster decisions.

If they went with her orange clothes this might've been the best DLC character in the game but instead she's the sussiest cause clickbait money I guess. Oh well still a really cool character and I'm glad she got in.

It took them way to long to add him.

I would've considered giving this DLC character for a bad game a 7/10 if they used his vastly superior pink costume.

The lack of a transformation hurts.

In all honesty I wasn't particularly interested in playing this but quite a few friends recommended it a lot and i figured what kind of game enthusiast would I be if I didn't play it? Well I gave it a try and the movement is actually quite fun. The story was different enough from most Spiderman media to stick out while also not actually being different enough to feel unfaithful to the character AKA exactly what a new continuity should be like. The ending hit emotionally harder than I thought it would. Definitely a great game for any big fan of Spiderman. Why is my score not higher? Well it's not that I think the game is flawed. It's rather that it just didn't really connect with me much outside of some specific scenes. IMO it's simply a good game that is probably great for those that are much bigger Spiderman fans than I (I do like the franchise, just not like obsessed y'know?).

Read my review of the standard version here:

Professional is a great enhanced version. It contains 200 additional monsters, which brings the total up from 500 to 700. This makes it an even better monster tamer than the masterpiece that it already was. There's also additional post game story scenarios which tie the game in with the first two DQMJ games even more. There's no reason to play the original over this version, but either way you will be experiencing one of the best games on 3DS.

Glad I did not buy this cause wow it feels as baron as the original. Has some decent mini games but just get Mario Party or something instead.

Nah. This is just a collection of demos hidden behind a price tag.

The first two Monsters Joker games were some of the few 3D world RPG games on the original DS. This 3DS sequel takes all the best qualities of those games and pumps them up with tons of quality of life changes. Battles are now 4v4 instead of 3v3, assuming you're not using MASSIVE monsters that take up multiple slots. Every single of the 500/700+ (depending on which version of the game you're playing) monsters is ridable. Yes even the ones that are the size of mountains! I love how the story is a bit more sci fi than most other Dragon Quest games are. The original of this world, the tie ins to other games, the islands floating in space setting, and nearly everything about it was interesting. This is one of the greatest Dragon Quest games and monster tamer games ever made.

Read my review of the enhanced Professional version of the game here: