1 review liked by Daya

It feels unfair to call this game barebones. It's a fighting game, after all. But it's one based on Hajime no Ippo, so you'd expect a little… something when it comes to the story mode, right? Instead it's the usual affair: no story, no cutscenes. There's plenty of polish, mind, a branching ending with attached unlocks, some unique voice lines. And it's so very stylish. Beautiful sprites, great energy.

The problem, at least for someone with no access to the manual and its contents, is that the real single player mode isn't the story mode. That's perfunctory, a tutorial in all but name. The real meat is the tournament mode: pick your fighter, grind your way through. The CPU is much harder here, more relentless. There's no mashing your way through this time. Here the differences between the opponents really shine, your tactics no longer boiling down to closing the gap, four hooks and a liver blow. Range matters more here, dodging is essential, patterns critical. It's fast, punishing. It's the game proper, and should have been unlocked after story mode to emphasize just that.

Nonetheless it's hard to complain. It's Treasure, it's gorgeous, it does the source material justice while standing its own against the venerable Punch-Out. Well worth the time.