Quite literally the only thing keeping this from a 5 is the lackluster gameplay. Everything else (Visuals, Story, Secrets.) Are a complete home run. I really hope the devs fine tune their gameplay if they decide to make a sequel

This game has it's low points yes, but the combination of a word game and a dungeon crawler is such a fun time that I cannot bring myself to give this any lower than a 4.5

This game has some of the best voice acting of all time. An absolutely amazing story propped up by some excellent gameplay

They saw Dark Souls 1 and went "hmmmm how do we make this worse?"

My body is a machine that turns very promising jokers into lost runs

This game is kind of like the digital equivalent of one of those haunted houses you go to during the Halloween season. You go in, see some cool visuals, get spooked a little, and before you know it it's all over.

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It's alright. I feel that the reveal at the end is quite underwhelming given how much footage you have to scrub through to get there. Definitely an interesting story though

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Amazing game with some pretty bad pacing issues (seriously, that stretch of 3 dungeons in a row made me pretty tired).

Drags on a lot (No pun Intended), but when it gets going it's great. The combat is insanely fun, and the BBI DLC gives this game an extra half a star. Only problem I have with it is the grinding required to make it through the DLC. Other than that, it's an amazing DLC.

One of the only good Vampire Survivor-likes. Definitely check this one out

If Dead Space is Resident Evil in space, then Signalis is Silent Hill in space

Really good but the ending sucks balls