Games that make me feel hungry

I'm really fascinated at how games can produce sensations, and after playing Tet, I was reminded how a few of them actually made me feel a bit hungry, and such, is time to make a list!

This is more of a fun little idea compared to other lists I've done that have a more general topic, but any kind of suggestions are more than welcomed, and would love to hear everyone’s reasoning concerning games that they found appetizing.

Welp, time to ''feast'' the eyes!... That one was terrible I'm so so-

I have no idea what this game does that really makes me want to eat something whenever I play it.
That cookie galaxy... it does things to a man.
This game basically awakens every positive feeling within me, and that includes wanting hot chocolate when I'm in Snowdin.
Most Kirby games have some part at least that just make me want to have something nice to eat while I play them, they are just so cozy.
Added to the menu by PasokonDeacon

"[...] Basically every Trails game by Falcom has a conspicuous amount of love thrown onto its world-spanning cuisine, and you can use the best cooking creations in battles! It's a step up from Tales' out-of-combat meal prep system, at least in those earlier series entries."


1 year ago

If you think forgotten land is bad, dream buffet is absolute torture to play.. can't go a single match without craving Strawberries and cake

Cool list! Really unique (:
Katamari games do have some very scrumptious lookin' foodstuffs, so I can relate there.

Meanwhile, basically every Trails game by Falcom has a conspicuous amount of love thrown onto its world-spanning cuisine, and you can use the best cooking creations in battles! It's a step up from Tales' out-of-combat meal prep system, at least in those earlier series entries.
@moschidae I didn't include that one since I didn't play it, but yeah, only by looking at it I already crave something sweet to eat xD.

And thank you so much :D! I wanted to try something more personal with this one, it's a really specific sensation and I really want to see what other people have to say.

@PasokonDeacon I sadly have never touched a game from the Trials series, but glad to hear it gives a lot of love to its food! Being able to use the food you prepare in battles sounds so fun and interesting.

I'll add It to the list on your behalf! And maybe I should change the title to "games that make US hungry*, so that way it can feel as a big videogame "menu" made by people on the website, but it'll give it thought before making the change.

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