Games that Spoil their Final Bosses

You could showcase the final enemy and main villain early in the game, not only creating a feeling something ominous, gander and more menacing than you that you have to take down, but also making the built up to that final encounter grander and even more exciting. You could also keep the grand last boss somewhat more hidden, a final surprise to the players that can, in the blink of an eye, turn the entire game upside down, and make the ending beyond memorable...

BUT NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, that's for cowards, why not just do the latter, but instead we just spoil the final enemy without any triumph or special revelation? Now that's how you make a game!

Ok I'm being overly mean, especially considering that the game that inspired this least is one that I actually liked, but still... me no like when game do this. It's dumb, it's nonsensical, and it takes the feeling of wonder to what could have been a very special revelation or final encounter.

As always, I'm probably gonna be missing a couple of games that could fit here, so feel free to leave a suggestion if you think of a game that does this!

Kirby Triple Deluxe
Kirby Triple Deluxe
So, if you collect all collectables, which you can do before getting to the final boss, your reward is a keychain!... of the final boss. An enemy that at that point had been kept a secret... yeah, not the smartest decision, honestly.
Jump Force
Jump Force
For a batch of missions, you can select ANY character to play as... which includes the final boss, whom at that point was kept a secret.
Dead Space
Dead Space
This is a special case, 'cause it's not the game itself that spoilt it, but the trailers! The final boss is right there for everyone to see.
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
Kind of a strech since the main villarn is technically showcased from the start of the game, but its final form is supposed to be a surprise, yet it's right there on the intro of the game.
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Heroes
Very similar case to Adventure. You can argue that the fact it spoils it it's part of the idea of the games, and I kinda agree, but still, it counts for the list.


7 months ago

neat concept, and a reminder that I need to play jump force cos no one's gonna make a hunter x hunter fighting game any time soon (ever)

7 months ago

@curse Thank you! And hey, less plausible things have hapenned, so maybe there's a bit of hope (kinda not really T_T).

Btw, nice new pfp, creepy and trippy as hell, I like it.

7 months ago

no problem! I maintain a misguided optimism and believe that one day the stars could align and give us a good jump fighterz type thing eventually -- licensing rights be damned. I might be old and grey by the time it happens but it's important to believe in something bigger than you probably?

thank you! it's the red orb in the first devil may cry and I'm a big fan too

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