Gifting Season! (Free Steam Game Keys)

Sometimes, there are some really good damn gaming related deals out there, more often than not in bundles from reputable sites like Humble Bundle, and if sometimes, some of those have games that I already have or I'm just not interested in. Usually I will gift the key to a friend that I know wants the game, but this time around none of my buddies were really interested in this one. And so, as an act that kinda fits the season and inspired by MobileSpider's own fantastic and super nice list, I decided that what better thing to do than to make this for anyone that may enjoy or want it to pick it!

For now there's only one Steam key, but expect to see this slowly updating as time goes on and bundles release and I'll be sure to letting everyone know through comments; it's gonna take a while before this gets filled with more and more games, but for now, enjoy the game and happy winter and soon-to-be holidays to everyone!

Also, if you pick the game or any of the future keys that may be added, be sure to letting me know in the comments so that I can mark it has been taken and so to not confuse anyone!



6 months ago

Aww this is such a sweet idea (,: such a nice thing to do
thats very kind, tinykin also looked pretty rad too so good choice

6 months ago

@moschidae Aw thank you :D! It's just that it's a shame to have a game that someone could potentially really want and not share/gift it, if it's makes someone happy, then that's the best thing this list could do. Plus, MobileSpider also did it before me and that's what also inspired me to do something similar, it's just nice to do this kind of giveaway.

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 Haven't played it myself yet but it looks amazing and I'm glad to be able to gift this to anyone that might have an amazing time with it!

6 months ago

Really nice thing to do. I tried to redeem it because I've been wanting to try Tinykin for a while now, but it seems it's already been redeemed.

6 months ago

@DeltaWDunn Oh, whoever redeemed must have forgotten to comment it, no big deal tho, but I'll add that it has been taken so there are no confusions. And hey, as I said I'll be updating as I get more keys as the months go by, so hopefully you and the rest are able to grab something next time, and thank you! :D

5 months ago

woah such a nice thing to do <3

5 months ago

@JapaniKatti Aw thank you so much for the kind words! :))

I really hope to be able to update this list with more keys in the near future, hopefully by the time Christmas comes ....

5 months ago

@DeemonAndGames I also have some extra keys laying around so I might do this too :D .. who knows.

5 months ago

I've added not one, not two, not three, not five, but four new steam keys for everyone to redeem! Sorry that it took so long for me to update this one, considering it only had one game when I published it, but it's finally back! As I said, I'd be thankful if we kept it one game per person, and if you redeem any, be sure to let me know in the comments so I can mark it as such and so there's no confusion!

5 months ago

very generous of you deemon. I grabbed the sonic adventure 2 key and am very excited to revisit it for the first time in ages

thank you very much❤️

5 months ago

Neat idea! I've gone ahead and redeemed the Bloodstained key. I didn't have the budget to back the Kickstarter years ago and it's just been sitting in my wishlist for too long now, so this helps a lot.

5 months ago

@curse I myself haven't played it yet but considering I already own it and how much I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 1, I think it's time I myself play it too, and I'm happy to be able to give you the chance to revisit it :DDDD

@PasokonDeacon Thank you so much, glad to be of help and happy you got a game you've been meaning to play for a while! :)))))

5 months ago

I redeemed the Celeste key… still haven’t played this game but now I can and I’m very excited to do it so thank you 💜 very kind of you

5 months ago

Tried to redeem Bayonetta but it's already been done. Guess I'm outta luck again...

Still though, nice thing to do. Maybe I'll do something like this one day but with obscure games I like stuff so I'll be encouraging people to play underrated stuff lol.

5 months ago

@hilda It's a fantastic, incredible experience, and I'm super happy to be able to give another person the chance to play it, really hope you enjoy it and thank you! :DDDDD

@DeltaWDunn Aw man, someone else must have redeemed it and forgotten to comment again, really sorry you missed the chance again, I really hope next time you are able to grab something. Also, that idea honestly sounds super cool, it gives lesser known games the spotlight and people a perfect chance to play them, really excited to see it if you ever make it! :DDDD

5 months ago

Hi there! I was the one that redeemed Tinykin. My apologies for not commenting on that earlier! I’ll leave future Steam keys open to other players and review Tinykin once I get around to it. You are very generous and I hope everyone finds a game they are looking for! :)

5 months ago

@EldestBrisingr Hey no worries! I understand if you forgot to comment and I appreciate doing it! Really excited to see what you'll write about when you get to it and thank you so much for the kind words! :D

4 months ago

A key of Sonic Adventure 2 and its DLC have been added, courtesy of @paq250_! Thanks so much to him and really hope whoever claims it enjoys it and be sure to leave a comment if you do pick it up! :DDD

3 months ago

Hi again! Just wanted to let you know I finished Tinykin. Sadly, I wasn't a fan, but I really appreciate your generosity! :D

3 months ago

@EldestBrisingr Super happy you were able to give it a go and a chance, and no need to thank me! :D

3 months ago

Two more games have been added, both Abzu and Mail Time! Feel free to use the keys if you are insterested on any of them :DDDDDD. Also, nobody said if they have claimed the Sonic Adventure 2 and the Battle DLC keys, courtesy of @paq250_, so those may still be up to grab!

3 months ago

Picked up Mail Time, thanks so much

3 months ago

@Baird No need to say thanks, hope you enjoy it! :DDDDDD

3 months ago

I picked up Abzu. Awesome list!

3 months ago

@MrWarm Thank you so much! :D

3 months ago

I got sonic adventure 2, thank you!

3 months ago

@carrie Nice! Hope it's to your liking, have fun with it! :D

2 months ago

Added a new key for Patch Quest! Feel free to pick it up if you are interested and let me know!

2 months ago

I tried to redeem it but it seems someone already obtained it

2 months ago

@Lordapop Ah, whoever claimed it probably just forgot to say it, no big deal tho, and thank you so much for pointing it out :D

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