The Switch Online Battle Royale Exclusive Games, Ranked.

Kinda crazy there are (or rather, were) four of these.

What at first looked like a one and done type of concept ended up spwaning more takes on this little Battle Royale spin than any of us could have ever expected, and even if how the rest of the games after the first one were managed is questionable, I'm certainly glad they all exist, if only because of how silly this idea is at its core, yet how cool and sound it can be.

This is a small ranking, but one worth making, not only because most of these are actually enjoyable, but also because they are worth preserving, even if only in memory, despite Nintendo disagreing...

Tetris 99
Tetris 99
I already talked about this one in my review, but yeah, this is easily the best game out of the bunch and to this day a fantastic take on the Tetris formula.

Sure, it can be chaotic at times and had a slow start content-wise, but it's stil a ton of fun and a blast to play from time to time.

You can check out my full review here
F-Zero 99
F-Zero 99
I wrote the review for this one like, yesterday, so I don't think I have much else to say for now XD.

Let's see if this one hopefully stays for good...

You can check out the review right here
Super Mario Bros. 35
Super Mario Bros. 35
You are as beautiful as the day I lost you...

Wasn't 3D All-Stars being only available for one year enough? Really?

Like, don't get me wrong, this is nor the best thing in the world, it was more chaotic than Tetris 99 and could be a tad confusing at times, but still, it was hell of fun. It was a super interesting way to adapt this olf 2D platformer into a new enviroment, and rewarded knowledge as much as it did experimentation and taking risks, it was REALLY cool.

And now, we can't play it, and I don't get it, and I'm sad...
Pac-Man 99
Pac-Man 99
To be honest, this one never really clicked with me, and I don't know why. I do like Pac Man, I like the 99 concept, but this one felt really off in some ways, like it wasn't as involved or direct as the others, is difficult to say the exactly what is wrong with this one for me...

But hey, manybe I should revisit i, specially now before its gone forever; tho this one won't be completely vanished, thos who bought the DLC will be able to still play it thankfully, so that's that. But still, even if I don't really like this one, is a huge bummer for thos who did enjoy it...


8 months ago

For me it's:

Mario > Tetris > F-Zero. Didn't play Pac-Man 99 dispite liking the idea.

SMB is just my favorite base game of these to play casually, so a more competitive and crazy spin appeals to me the most. I'm not a big Tetris fan, but the frenetic nature of 99 helps carry it. F-Zero is a bit too chaotic, though I admittedly only did three or four real races.

8 months ago

@electrode I absolutely get why some would prefer the Mario take over Tetris, I personally prefer some Tetris 99, but yeah, Super Mario Bros 35 rocked and I'm so sad it's gone, especially for people like you that really enjoyed it...

8 months ago

Mario > Tetris > f-zero > pac-man

Mario was the best one and I will never forgive Nintendo for pulling the plug. Tetris is a classic and it actually works really well as a battle royale I guess? F-zero is ok, it’s disappointing that this is basically the next the f-zero game but eh. And pac-man just wasn’t that interesting.

8 months ago

@whu I'm really happy to see what other people have to say about these games, and I honestly didn't expect Mario 35 and Tetris 99 being so close preference wise, but I'm glad that's the case. Also, glad I'm not the only one that really didn't enjoy Pac Man 99 or found it interesting, I was scared that I'd be the only one that found it not that good.

8 months ago

Mario 35 was the most frustrating of these, it felt like every match ended up with me and 2 or 3 other players running with maxed-out clocks, unable to do anything to really attack each other, ultimately waiting for someone to just miss a jump

I played so many 20-minute long matches of Mario 35 lol

8 months ago

I genuinely didn't know any of this was a thing until the F-Zero 99 fracas.

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